Ng Hong-SangNg Hong-SangJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Love, Guns and GlassOh! Yes Sir!!!Friend of Little FishBurning AmbitionAngel EnforcersCity WarGives Guns to Dick LeeWalk on FireWai's thugFour RobbersA Hearty ResponseAddict HungWitch from NepalFury of the HeavenLau's friendThe Master Strikes BackSoldierHell Has No BoundaryPolicemanPassing FlickersHairy CanThe Head HunterCpt. NgRevenge of the CorpseWong TongHex vs. WitchcraftBrother Nine's thugRendezvous with DeathPanda (One of the Four Killers)Swift SwordNingzhi's cousinThe MasterDai XiongThe Convict KillerRascalThe Deadly Breaking SwordDr Guo's Hanger-on (uncredited)Kid with the Golden ArmDeadly Valley SpyThe Ghosts and IDirty HoOne of the '7 Bitters'Shaolin AbbotShaolin recruit Gong Qian-JinThe Kung Fu InstructorThe DaredevilsDeputy ZhangThe Ghost StoryThe Reckless CricketStreet performerThe Fighting FoolEagle Mansion manThe Voyage of Emperor Chien LungZhang Ya-XiCrazy ImpostersSensual PleasuresSoul of the SwordSire's SwordsmanThe Proud YouthLao DenuoThe 36th Chamber of ShaolinTung Qian-jin, San Ta's StudentThe Sentimental SwordsmanYun's invited hero (uncredited)The Mighty Peking ManAh PiDeath DuelLeader of 4 Swift Swords (uncredited)The Adventures of Emperor Chien LungOfficer collecting taxJade TigerZhao clan memberClans of IntrigueWaiter at Inn GutsyThe Criminals, Part 3: ArsonWong King SunLady ExterminatorThe Mad MonkVillagerThe Web of DeathMartial Artist Killed in Prologue (uncredited)The Snake PrinceSnake GeneralThe Magic BladeHsia YiThe Spiritual BoxerJiuBlack MagicNuo's ColleagueBig Brother ChengBlack ListDirector None 😵Shows None 😵