Amanda FullerAmanda FullerAug 27, 1984 Sacramento, California, USABiography:Amanda Fuller is an actress and producer.Movies HerdDianeUnnatural CausesAll the Creatures Were StirringLinda, Dickensian Woman #1, Chet's MomFashionistaAprilNanobloodThe Brittany Murphy StoryBrittany MurphyStarry EyesTracyCheap ThrillsAudreyBeverly Hills Chihuahua 3Spa EmployeeFreerunnerDaloresCreatureBethRed White & BlueEricaMr. SadmanAnnaPrimal DoubtClaire HarperThe FailuresSallyAskariEmma CrawshayAnatomy of a Hate CrimeKristen PriceChildren of FortuneErica PassengerThe Incredible GenieEmilyWhatever It TakesAprilSafety Patrol!Amanda Fuller'Til There Was YouDebbie, Age 13The Making of a Hollywood MadamBrittanyDeadly WhispersCrystal ActonDirector None 😵Shows Last Man StandingKristin Baxter