Semyon FaradaSemyon FaradaDec 31, 1933 ✝️ Aug 20, 2009Nikolskoe, Moskovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Musicians from BremenАнтология приколов7 Days with a Russian BeautyThe Fatal EggsGloomyA Boulevard RomanceRussian miracleЭйVesyolenkaya poyezdkaАлександрDodgyRussian businessLadies' Man 2Shakh's DiamondsDetonatorAir PiratesDeath macaroni, or Professor Buggensberg's mistakeJohn SilverCraziesA Russian secret agent in AustriaSistema "Nippel"Underwater BeretsHenry, Greg (voice)Tyoma's ChildhoodSwamp Street, or the Cure Against SexRed IslandEntrance to LabyrinthPontyagaThe Passion According to VladimirMahonya, referentThe Parrot Speaking YiddishChaimovichMikko, Pavlova's SonPrivate Detective, or Operation CooperationItalianThe Criminal QuartetInformerConstellation GoattourPlaton SamsonovichFrenchmanSemyon AbramovichTo Kill a DragonМузыкантThe Story of One Billiard-RoomUchitel Zuniga (as S. Farada)One, two - woe, never mindкнязьTrainersInsurance AgentThe Right Peopleдиректор бассейна Георгий МихайловичDoctor AybolitBarmaley (voice)After the Rain, on ThursdayБабадурExceptions Without RulesValyushin (Isklyuchenie 3: «Golos»)From Pay to PayTsyrinHow to Become HappyWhat is Yeralash?The House That Swift BuiltA Million in a Wedding BasketVeluttoMy Friend Ivan LapshinДжатиевFormula of LoveМаргадонBefore We PartAkhverdyevThe Secret of Gretha Villa"Golovastik"A Canary CageMagiciansGuest from SouthPremonition Of Loveотец ОльгиBe My Husbandпосетитель ресторанаThe Hat"Slon"Adventures of Captain VrungelСrooko Banditto (voice)The Very Same MunchhausenCommander-in-ChiefThe GarageтромбонистThe DuennaPedroNothing Ventured, Nothing GainedOne Fine DayVasif Suleimanovich (novell «V odin prekrasnyj den'»)Between Sky and EarthStop Potapov!The Fox, the Bear and the Motorcycle with a Side CarTle owl-lawyer (voice, uncredited)Vacations in the Stone AgeDirector None 😵Shows Gardes-Marines, Ahead!Direktor navigatsionnoy shkolyДоктор АйболитБармалейЧародеигость с ЮгаAdventures of Captain VrungelJulico Banditto - «little gangster»/reporter (voice)