James Whitmore Jr.James Whitmore Jr.Oct 24, 1948 Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USABiography:James Whitmore Jr. is an American actor and director for film and television.Movies Tricks of the TradeDelroyFirefighterCapt. BukowskiFlight 90: Disaster on the PotomacCaptain Larry WheatonDon't Cry, It's Only ThunderMajor FlahertyThe Five of MeHarryThe Killing of Randy WebsterOfficer VaneThe Long RidersMr. RixleyPolice Story: Confessions of a Lady CopJeff AllenA Force of OneMoskowitzThe Chinese TypewriterJim KilbrideHuman FeelingsImage not foundDetectiveThe BastardEsau SholtoThe Gypsy WarriorsCaptain Sheldon 'Shelly' AlhernThe Boys in Company CLt. ArcherLaw and OrderPete CaputoDirector Dawson's Creek - The Series Finale (Extended Cut)DirectorAll Good Things ... Must Come to an EndDirectorWiseguyDirectorCrowfootDirectorThe Rockford Files: I Still Love L.A.DirectorSky HighDirectorShows The YeagersBlack Sheep SquadronJim Gutterman