Georgiy VitsinGeorgiy VitsinApr 5, 1917 ✝️ Oct 22, 2001Terijoki, Vyborg, Finland [now Zelenogorsk, Kurortny District, St. Petersburg, Russia]Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Khagi – TraggerA Few Love StoriesImage not foundFornariBrave guysChuffyk(voice)The ActorsNil PalychShot in the CoffinБабья работаImage not foundRayoshnik (voice)Простой мужикThe Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's TricksThe Little Signor (voice)Сладкая репаReturn of BrownieKuzya (voice), КузяThe Snowmen(voice)Tale for NatashaKuzka (voice), КузяDangerous for Your Life!ChokolovThe RivalsAdventures of BrownieKuz'ka (voice), Кузя, КотOne Day of MosfilmElephant Went to StudyКот (голос)How the Puppy Was Taught to SwimSwan (voice)I Want the MoonUnderground CrossingA House for KuzkaKuzya (voice), Кузя (все серии), один из грузчиков и гостейI Don't Want to and I Won't!(voice)Lost And Found Office 4Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the centuryIce cream seller (voice)Бюро находок (Фильм 3)BirthdayGreedy DwarfMaria, MirabellaKing (voice)Бюро находок (Фильм 2)Бюро находок (Фильм 1)Sweet SpringHands Up!The Winter's TaleBullfinch (voice)A Comedy of Days Gone ByCowardЗа спичкамиTahvo Kenonen - tailorThe First AutographFor the MatchesTahvo KenonenHow the Fox Chased the Harehare (voice)Сами виноватыС кого брать примерКак утёнок-музыкант стал футболистомУтёнок-хулиганРобинзон Кузя(voice)Father Frost and the Grey WolfHare-Daddy (voice)Rabbit and FlyThe Sparrow (voice)Quartet 'Kva-Kva'Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения ШурикаHow Mushrooms Fought Against PeasCod (voice, uncredited)The Blue BirdSugar12 ChairsБезенчукWhile the Clocks Are TickingMasha's grandfather, Great GardenerАу-у! (Киноальманах)учёный-этнограф («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого»)A Funny Dream, or Laughter and TearsKrivello, Jack of SpadesЗайка-зазнайкаShepherd YankaPrince CookimorВсе непонятливые(voice)Finest, the Brave FalconAgafonStep ForwardManThe Humpbacked HorseSpalnik (voice)The Magic PonySpalnik (voice)It Can't Be!Katerina's FatherMagician Bakhram's HeritageVialsVisiting the GnomesGnome (voice, uncredited)Big AttractionGalkinЦаревич Прошакороль Каторз ДевятыйСеверная рапсодияCar, Violin and Blot the Dogмузыкант на банджо и гитареThe Dear BoyMr. McIntoshMy Destinyпьяница с расческойHave You Ever Loved?The Bag Of ApplesHare (voice), Заяц (голос)CipollinoVetchThe Sannikov LandIgnati, the Perfilyev's servantIncorrigible LiarAleksei Ivanovich TyutyurinHow It Happened(voice)Про ПетрушкуClothes owner (voice, uncredited)Tall Tales in FacesYegor (voice)The Tobacco CaptainGentlemen of FortuneГаврила Петрович Шереметьев, ХмырьDeadly EnemyYegorTenDoctorSpring TaleЦарь Берендей12 Chairsмонтёр МечниковConfusion(voice)How We Were Searching for TishkaStepanov, sergeant of militiaSomebody Else's TracksRooster (voice, uncredited)The GuardianТебеньков, алкоголик и тунеядецA Step from the RoofBeavers Are on the TrailTeacher beaver (voice)New Year's AbductionYesterday, Today and AlwaysAbsent-Minded GiovanniThe Postman (voice)The Stolen CrescentCrescent (voice)The Life and Suffering of Ivan SemenovThird doctor (voice)In the Thirteenth Hour of the NightVodyanoyThe Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to TenHorse (voice)Seven Old Men and One Girlграбитель («Трус»)A Very Old Storygood wizardКозленок, который считал до десятиSave the Drowning ManНачальник милицииХочу бодаться!The Hare (voice), ЗаяцFilm, Film, Film(voice)How to Become a Grown-UpThe Mushroom (voice)I Don't Want to Be Filmedпомощник режиссёраRed, Blue, Greenдиректор музеяOne, Two, Altogether!The One-Eared Wolf (voice)The Tales for Old and YoungHare (voice)Слонёнокбабуин, озвучкаKidnapping, Caucasian StyleТрусAn Honest Crocodile WordЗеркальцеHareTrain From RomashkovoPapa (voice)The Tale of the Golden RoosterThe Sage (voice)МежаOld Man (voice) (uncredited)A Little Time MachineУдивительная история, похожая на сказкуNarrator (voice)TailsHare (voice)About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of InoculationsThe Wolf, The Giraffe, The Crocodile (voice), Волк, Жираф, КрокодилСегодня день рожденияRoad to the SeaAleksandr TerentyevichWho Invented the Wheel?UncleIt Also HappensGo There, Don't Know WhereНовогодний календарьThe First Teachervoice (Kartinbai)Rikki-Tikki-Taviотец Рикки-Тикки-Тави, озвучкаГолубой огонек - в первый часSelfYour Health!Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures"Трус"Where have I seen him?Mr. Pencil [Karandash] (voice)The Adventures of Full Stop and CommaLittle klyaksa, Exclamation mark, Question mark (voice, uncredited)Give Me a Complaints Bookзаведующий отделомThe Marriage of BalzaminovBalzaminovLittle Hareпомощник режиссера Федор МихайловичA Tale of Lost TimesAndreiThe Brave TailorMinister (voice)Rooster and PaintSpring ChoresPud SalazkinWho Is Going to the Exhibition?Little metal man (voice)Thumbelina(voice)What is the Theory of Relativity?The First TrolleybusThe DrinkerCain the XVIII-thFreelance HangmanThree Fat Men(voice)Strictly BusinessSam - fraud (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief»)Kak rozhdayutsya tostyShort StoriesThe Tale of the Old CedarMushroom (voice)The Road to BerthВеликанкинOnly Not NowMagician Now (voice)Only the Statues Are SilentАртист из КохановкиKuzma (as H. Vitsin)Bootleggers«Трус»Queen ToothbrushSoap (voice)Two Storiesзайка (voice)A Bragging AntGrasshopper (voice)Valuable KopeckOld five-copeck coin(voice)Barbos the Dog and an unusual crossТрусПес Барбос и необычный кроссСовершенно серьезноТрусDog Barbos and Unusual Cross«Трус»Sovershenno seryozno«Трус» (новелла «Пёс Барбос и необычный кросс»)The End of Old Beryozovkageometry teacherReporter from OverseasThe DragonThe tax collector (voice)The Keydaddy (voice)Cipollinocactus (voice)Neznaika at SchoolDr. Pilyulkin, Tyubik, Toropyzhka (voice, uncredited)A Sober SparrowIt Was I Who Drew the Little Manкондитер, поэт, желавший славыDifferent WheelsThe Cockerel (voice), ПетухThe End of the Black SwampLeshiy (voice)MestThe Adventures of BuratinoGiuseppe (voice)Василий СуриковРепинFathers and SonsСитниковI Was a Sputnik of the SunBeloved BeautyWood dust, Magpie, Little crow (voice)Three WoodcuttersAt Exactly Three Fifteen ...[Karandash,Petrushka] (voice)How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan NikiforovichНиколай Васильевич ГогольThe Whirligig of LifeThe Boy from NapoliLittle signore (voice)A Groom from the Right SocietyPyotr Petrovich FikusovA Girl with GuitarBuyerSportlandHottabych (voice)The Old Man and the CraneCrane (voice)We Are Following the SunHedgehog, Owl (voice)Golden StalksThe Cat's HouseBilly-Goat (voice)The Tale About Malchish-KibalchishGrandfather, English general (voice)The Wrestler and the ClownEnrico, a clownA Miracle MakerRooster (voice)Once Upon a TimeForeign prince, Deacon (voice)Don QuixoteSanson CarrascoNew AttractionThe Tale of the Snow MaidenWhy Did the Kitten Go Away?Narrator (voice, uncredited)Greetings to Our FriendsFanfan the Reporter (voice)Wishes Come TrueNobleman, Guard (voice, uncredited)VerliokaThe drake (voice)The Wolf and the Seven KidsWoodpecker (voice, uncredited)PoetThe Twelve MonthsRaven (voice)The Little ShipAnt (voice)Adventures of MurzilkaStarling, Janitor Uncle Egor ( uncredited )She Loves YouKanareikinThe Ugly DucklingTurkeycock, Rooster, Goose, Cat (voice)Murder on Dante StreetPituThe MexicanCartheyThe Little Jackal and the Little CamelThe Little JackalLittle ShegoParrot (voice, uncredited)Forest StoryCrane-dentist (voice, uncredited)Maksim PerepelitsaMusii, an old manThe Enchanted BoyRozenblom (voice)Four CoinsOld man Akhmed (voice, uncredited)What Kind of Bird Is This?Goose (voice)Dog and CatBear cub (voice, uncredited)A Hazel Tree TwigKloantsa (voice)The Snow PostmanSnowman (voice)A Brave Hareхрабрый заяц (voice)The Boys from LeningradVasya VesnushkinAn Arrow Flies Into a Fairy TaleOn the Forest StageHare (voice, uncredited)The Orange NeckPodkovkin (voice)A Goat-MusicianFirst hedgehog (voice, uncredited)Magic StoreWizard Store Manager (voice)BelinskyGogolThe Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the RoosterRooster, Sparrow (voice, uncredited)Sister Alyonushka and Brother IvanushkaСестрица Аленушка и братец ИванушкаMan of MusicNikolai V. GogolA Wonder MillCock (voice, uncredited)The Hunchedback HorseSpalnik (voice)A Peacock's TailDoctor Aybolit (voice) (uncredited), Доктор АйболитHello, Moscow!Railwayman (uncredited)TelephoneThe Crocodile (voice)Director None 😵Shows Приключения СлонёнкаКот, МышонокLittle Brownie KuzyaКузяСледствие ведут КолобкимороженщикThe investigation leading kolobkiIce Cream ManLost And Found Officeпопугай СтепанычThe Twelve ChairsБезенчукСамый маленький гномПетушокKOAPPГепард