Daniel FaraldoDaniel FaraldoJun 10, 1977 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Black SocietyPardalesIllegal WomanFernando VilaThe Red ManDr. VerdeThe Evil That Men DoSantiagoSx_TapeDoctor2 JacksFinancierMr. NiceMexican Secret ServicemanBlack Buenos AiresArmando SantosPuppetSpecial Agent WilliamsFool's ParadiseImage not foundNickFull Fathom FiveSantilloAbove the LawTony SalvanoU.S. Marshals: Waco & RhinehartCarl GooperFear CitySanchezLosin' ItTaxi Driver #1Spring BreakEeshTrenchcoatI, the JuryDannyLove and MoneyHectorRich and FamousGinger TrinidadThe Night the City ScreamedCamera Store LooterSlow Dancing In The Big CityT.C. OliveiraFight for Your LifeChinoObject of DesireDirector None 😵Shows None 😵