Yusuke SantamariaYusuke SantamariaMar 12, 1971 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Living in Two WorldsYukihiko KawaiTHE MYSTERY DAYThe Silent ServiceおとこたちAkira and AkiraSusumu Kaido海王星One Piece: StampedeBuena Festa (voice)Blue HourTogashiThe Stand-In ThiefRyosuke TodorokiAh, Wilderness: Part 2HoriguchiAh, Wilderness: Part 1HoriguchiBirthday CardSoichiroGold Medal ManhostGlory of the ExpeditionproducerApril FoolsRestaurant ReceptionistThe Vancouver AsahiTorao HoriguchiRose Color's BukoTakizawaOur FamilyGiovanni's IslandHideo (voice)Galileo XXKenichi JonenDawn of a Filmmaker: The Keisuke Kinoshita StoryKinoshita's brotherBy Rule of Crow's Thumbracetrack customerBayside Shakedown The Final: The New HopeMasayoshi MashitaBayside Shakedown the Last TV: Salaryman Cop and the Last Tough CaseMasayoshi MashitaThe Legacy of the SunKoukichi NoguchiBayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys LooseMasayoshi MashitaWomen Play TwiceGo Find a Psychic!Matsui KosukeDumbeastOkamotoBrass Knuckle BoysTokitaR246 STORYSensei wa Erai!Kenya UzakiThe Fearless Otojiro's CompanyIkiruKisaragiOda YuujiThe Sakai's HappinessMasakazu SakaiUdonKosuke MatsuiNegotiatorMasayoshi MashitaTales of the Bizarre: 2005 Spring Special卓也DoppelgangerKimishimaBayside Shakedown 2Masayoshi MashitaNumber OneBetween Calmness and PassionTakashiBayside ShakedownMasayoshi MashitaBayside Shakedown: Autumn Campaign for Crime EradicationMasayoshi Mashita踊る大捜査線 番外編湾岸署婦警物語 初夏の交通安全Bayside Shakedown: Year-End Special AlertMasayoshi MashitaDirector R246 STORYDirectorShows AARO -All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office-Aranami KengoThe Silent ServiceNanba EiichiDear RadianceAbe no HaruakiraSIX HACKPandora's FruitTsutomu HasebeThe JournalistShinjiro ToyodaOh! My Boss! Love Is A Bonus Book (Directors Cut)Shinichi Ugajin (10 Episodes)The Ship of TheseusShigeo KanemaruAwaiting KirinAsakura Yoshikage [Asakura family head]I Will Not Work Overtime, Period!Seiji Fukunaga生田家の朝・緑山家の朝Nozaki Shuhei - Auditor of BankRyuhei Abe悦ちゃん야나기 타로The SparksTakeuchi ShingoKinpikaHidehiko HirohashiDetective versus DetectivesYoshinori AbiruMiyamoto MusashidinnerSoichi SegawaDoctor-X: Surgeon Michiko DaimonKazuma Ushio(潮 一摩)Family SongKare, Otto, Otoko TomodachiKunikazu TadaNaze soko?CO: Transplant CoordinatorLADY - The Last Criminal ProfileMasaki TsugeThe Sun in KurobeKazutoshi KizukaBomb Bee MenOmuomu今週、妻が浮気しますLooking at Love and DeathHome Drama!There's Someone WatchingOtaro MatsumotoFlowers For AlgernonFujishima HaruGoodbye Mr OzuUnmarried FamilyRocket BoyHanamura DaisukeHanamura DaisukeOmiai kekkonHirose KotaroPerfect LoveEmergency Room 24 HoursEtsushi Sawai(澤井 悦司)A Sleeping ForestBayside ShakedownMasayoshi Mashita