Toshiro YanagibaToshiro YanagibaJan 3, 1961 Akita, JapanBiography:Toshiro Yanagiba (柳葉 敏郎, Yanagiba Toshirō, born January 3, 1961) is a Japanese actor.Movies Muroi Shinji: Stay AliveShinji MuroiMuroi Shinji: Not DefeatedShinji MuroiShylock's ChildrenKaoru KujoBaian the Assassin, M.D.: Part1KaheiThe Three Sisters of Tenmasou InnUdo GenichiFollow the LightHideo SatoA Morning of FarewellAny Crybabies Around?Yasuo NatsuiドラマSP 松本清張「鬼畜」And Then There Were NoneNot found in TMDBIshirugi KenKofuku no Alibi: PictureHonto Ni Atta Kowai Hanashi: Summer Special 2016ほんとにあった怖い話 2016AgainNaoyuki TakahashTime Never StopsKatsumi HamaguchiReunionBayside Shakedown The Final: The New HopeShinji MuroiBayside Shakedown the Last TV: Salaryman Cop and the Last Tough CaseShinji MuroiFather of the BrideHoshino SatoshiIsoroku Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined FleetShigeyoshi InoueSpace Battleship YamatoShirō SanadaBayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys LooseShinji MuroiThe Negotiator: The MovieKano ToshihikoNobody To Watch Over MeMy GrandmaSeiji MurataDear My CosmoHiroshi KogaAnmitsu HimeAwa no Dango no KamiAkechi Mitsuhide: The man God hatedTokichiro KinoshitaSeicho Matsumoto Drama Special: Wave TowerThe Suspect: Muroi ShinjiShinji Muroi実録・小野田少尉 遅すぎた帰還NegotiatorShinji MuroiLorelei: The Witch of the Pacific OceanKizaki ToshiroYear One in the NorthMamiya DenzoBayside Shakedown 2Shinji MuroiThere's Always Tomorrow - The MovieSection Chief MochizukiTales of the Bizarre: 2002 Spring SpecialTokyo ZanceRush!Chinese DinnerSenriganDream MakerBayside ShakedownShinji MuroiBayside Shakedown: Autumn Campaign for Crime EradicationShinji MuroiFriendshipBayside Shakedown: Year-End Special AlertShinji MuroiThe DefenderTakashi ItoMOROCCO: The Story of the Yokohama FolliesMOROCCO 2: The Return of the Yokohama FolliesChinpira Jingi: Gokuraku TonboPromise Ring-The Kashima Antlers StoryKwaidan IIMinbo, or the Gentle Art of Japanese ExtortionYakuzaPassionOnly YesterdayToshio (voice)Good-bye Dear FriendDream StreetYōichi KawabeFireflyKenji ShimadaDowntown HeroesApril Ghost StoryNice GameGuys Who Never LearnHachikoYoung Girls in LoveKinuko KutsugakeSouth to the HorizonTetsu TomijimaBayside Shakedown 4: The FinalShinji MuroiDirector None 😵Shows Poketto ni Bōken o TsumekondeOhkido (voice)Boogie WoogiePolice and Prosecutor, Sometimes Judge樫村武男(柳葉敏郎)Keishichou OutsiderKaname FujiwaraThe Travel NurseKanzaki HiroyukiThe High School HeroesDanjuro Sumitomo鉄道警察官 捜査ファイルPolice and ProsecutorTakeo KashimuraThe Great White TowerYohei SasakiI Prefer Tomorrow's YouTanno FumihikoAnd Then There Were NoneIshirugi Ken五年目のひとり마츠나가 미츠루検事・霧島三郎(TBS版)Asunaro Sanzan Nana Byoushi후지마키 다이스케ApoyanToshio ImaizumiHUNT - Tax Investigation OfficerShinjiro NiitaThe Waste LandIsao KawamataTeam Batista no EikōCode BlueShuji KurodaPandoraMatoba ShinichiPandoraMatoba ShinichiNs' Aoi高树源太熱血シングル・ファザー〜新聞記者・新庄圭吾の事件ファイル〜The Black Leather NotebookIt was sudden, like a storm...Hideo OgawaLove QuotientAshita Ga ArusaThe Rules of Marrying for LoveKoichi恋爱结婚の法则Ring: The Final ChapterKazuyuki AsakawaShining BrightlyShinsaku TadokoroBayside ShakedownShinji MuroiSashow The Last Case29-sai no Christmas憎しみに微笑んで天下を獲った男・豊臣秀吉親愛なる者へWonderful Unrequited LoveShumpei NomoAishiatteru KaiKai Takumi