Shan ZhangShan ZhangMar 23, 1968 Qingdao,Shandong Province,ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Tribute to HeroesYang JingyuTomb RobberYoung Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea DragonChusui LiangRed Cliff IIHuang GaiRed CliffHuang GaiAn Empress and the WarriorsKing Zhao WuThe Sino-Dutch War 1661Li Wei英雄郑成功Not found in TMDBDefying DeathCheetah in Action羚羊九千六百万双眼睛Come On, ChinaDirector None 😵Shows The Three Divisions of the Universe SecretCelestial EmperorGo! Goal! Fighting!Qin Yuanshan冲出月亮岛野田雄夫代号叫麻雀Fang TongshanThe Four Brothers of Peking柳云天The Emperor in Han Dynasty郭解Love Legend of the Tang DynastyGeneral Zong, 宗将军Ode to Gallantry封万里Dongzhou lieguo: Zhanguo pian东周列国:春秋篇楚成王女人不是月亮关公关羽