Gerald TaylorGerald TaylorOct 11, 1940 ✝️ Dec 4, 1991U.K.Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Doctor Who: The Monster of PeladonVega NexosThe Sex ThiefHerbert BarrowDoctor Who: The DæmonsBaker's ManThe Patriot GameSkouseChitty Chitty Bang BangInventorDoctor Who: The Evil of the DaleksDalekDoctor Who: The Underwater MenaceDamon's AssistantDoctor Who: The War MachinesWar Machine Operator/The Voice of WOTANDoctor Who: The Daleks' Master PlanDalekDr. Who and the DaleksDalek OperatorDoctor Who: The ChaseDalekDoctor Who: The Web PlanetZarbiDoctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of EarthDalekDoctor Who: The DaleksDalekDirector None 😵Shows None 😵