Luis van RootenLuis van RootenNov 29, 1906 ✝️ Jun 17, 1973Mexico City, MéxicoBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Fury RiverMr. DurenCurse of the Faceless ManDr. Carlo FiorilloFrauleinFritz GraubachThe Unholy WifeEzra BentonThe Sea ChaseMatzLydia BaileyGeneral Charles LeClercMy Favorite SpyRudolf HoenigDetective StoryJoe FeinsonCinderellaKing, Grand Duke (voice)The Secret Of St. IvesImage not foundClauselChampionHarrisCity Across the RiverJoe CusackBoston Blackie's Chinese VentureBill Craddock (as Louis Van Rooten)To the VictorGeranNight Has a Thousand EyesMr. MyersThe Gentleman from NowhereF.B. BartonBeyond GloryDr. Joseph White (as Louis Van Rooten)The Big ClockEdwin OrlinTo the Ends of the EarthCommissioner Alberto BeradoSaigonSimonTwo Years Before the Mast2nd Mate FosterThe Hitler GangHeinrich HimmlerDirector None 😵Shows The Joe Palooka StoryKnobby Walsh