Shinya TsukamotoShinya TsukamotoJan 1, 1960 Shibuya, Tokyo, JapanBiography:Shinya Tsukamoto is a Japanese film director and actor with a considerable cult following both domestically and abroad.Movies Sometimes Repentance孤独のグルメ2024大晦日スペシャル 太平洋から日本海 五郎、北へ あの人たちの所まで。Hideo Kojima: Connecting WorldsSelfThe J-Horror VirusThe Last Days of HumanitySelf (archive footage)Special Broadcast Movie "Shin Kamen Rider" Premise/Act 1: Kumo-AugHiroshi MidorikawaShin Kamen RiderHiroshi MidorikawaShowa Kayo Musical Mata Au Hi MadeKiba: The Fangs of FictionTakanoIn Search of Darkness: Part IISelfShinya Tsukamoto on Nobuhiko ObayashiNot found in TMDBJapanese Cinema's Provocateur Extraordinaire: Shinya TsukamotoSelfKillingJirozaemon SawamuraUta Monogatari: Cinema Fighters ProjectSatoshi Takahashi (segment "Canaria")Shinya Tsukamoto Commentary "Fires on the Plain" 20 Year JourneySelfSilenceMokichiScoop!TakaOver the FenceSatoshi's Father (voice)Shin GodzillaKunio Hazama : Jouhoku University Associate professorMetal Gear Solid: LegacySelfFires on the PlainTamuraJapanscope, panorama de la nouvelle Nouvelle VagueThe Road Less TravelledSousuke AkiyamaKotokoSeitaro TanakaKurosawa's WaySelfTetsuo: The Bullet ManThe GuyWelcome to the Quiet RoomAsuka's Ex-husbandNightmare Detective'0'Teruo Ishii Fan ClubHazeSunday's DreamMarebitoMasuokaOtakus in LoveNoroElectric Yakuza, Go to Hell!SelfTracing JakeA Snake of JuneMichiro IguchiBasic TsukamotoSelfTravailKazuya MiyamaeIchi the KillerJijiiA Drowning ManTokioBlind Beast vs Killer DwarfChloeEisukeQuartet for TwoYuuenchi no otokoSakuya: The Slayer of DemonsWizardDead or Alive 2: BirdsMagician HigashinoHouse of the Ghosts ~Kanako Inuki's World of Fear~Making of GeminiSelfThe Perfect EducationMoriyamaDogsSunday DriveWait and SeeDoctorBullet BalletGodaTokyo Fair WeatherAtlanta BoogieSome Kinda LoveKamisakiTokyo FistTsuda YoshiharuThe Stairway to the Distant PastYamaguchi119Masaaki TomitaThe Most Terrible Time in My LifeYamaguchiTetsuo II: Body HammerYatsu - The GuyTetsuo: The Iron ManMetal FetishistThe Adventure of Denchu-KozoKondoThe Phantom of Regular SizeMetalManLotus Flower, Fly!CloudyWingsStory of a Giant CockroachGenshi-sanDirector Shadow of FireDirectorShinya Tsukamoto on Nobuhiko ObayashiDirectorKillingDirectorShinya Tsukamoto Commentary "Fires on the Plain" 20 Year JourneyDirectorFires on the PlainDirectorVenice 70: Future ReloadedDirectorAbandoned MonsterDirectorKotokoDirectorCa' Foscari CinemaDirectorKaidan Horror ClassicsDirectorTetsuo: The Bullet ManDirectorLizardDirectorNightmare Detective 2DirectorNightmare DetectiveDirectorHazeDirectorFemaleDirectorThe Desire of the World: Jeonju Digital Project 2005DirectorVitalDirectorA Snake of JuneDirectorGeminiDirectorBullet BalletDirectorTokyo FistDirectorMTV Japan StationDirectorTetsuo II: Body HammerDirectorHiruko the GoblinDirectorTetsuo: The Iron ManDirectorThe Adventure of Denchu-KozoDirectorThe Phantom of Regular SizeDirectorTerry 100 ChannelsDirectorLotus Flower, Fly!DirectorNew WingsDirectorFlying in a Hell Town Piss LodgeDirectorCloudyDirectorWingsDirectorStory of a Giant CockroachDirectorGenshi-sanDirectorShows Shin Kamen Rider: Episode Format VersionHiroshi MidorikawaSexy Voice and RoboTakeo Hayashi