John WhiteJohn WhiteJun 10, 1981 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Biography:John White is a Canadian film and television actor and producer.Movies AfterwardsImage not foundHookCampton ManorJerryBadsvilleMartin (Badsville Ace)Below Her MouthRoofer 2Farhope TowerJake88MarvinHell Hath No FuryImage not foundUniversal DudeBoy ToyJakeWild CherryFranklin PetersAmerican Pie Presents: Beta HouseErik StiflerAmerican Pie Presents: The Naked MileErik StiflerHow to DealMichael SherwoodFast Food HighAdamAfter the HarvestCharlie GareThe Haunted Mask IISteve BoswellThe Legend of Gator FaceDannyThe Adventures of Moby Dick(voice)Call of the Wild(voice)Goosebumps: The Cuckoo Clock of DoomMichael WebsterTails You Live, Heads You're DeadKevin QuintJohnny and ClydeJohnnyDirector All the Lost OnesScript SupervisorShows The Adventures of Shirley Holmes