Lyubov PolishchukLyubov PolishchukMay 21, 1949 ✝️ Nov 28, 2006Omsk, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Stepanych Spanish VoyageLyusya Okopova, Stepanych's wifeStepanych Thai VoyageLyusya Okopova, Stepanych's wifeAbout Love In Any WeatherTelevision DirectorKill a carpImage not foundLydia MikhailovnaPeaches and Peppers. Courtesy storiesImage not foundMme WalterSnow Love, or A Dream on a Winter NightOlha MykhailivnaWe Did It!The Hero of Her RomancePolinaThe Loser's SonAgent in a MiniskirtStill WatersPolina KashtanovaValentine's DayA Chivalrous RomanceАнна Комнина - императрицаQuadrilleLida ZvyagintsevaUltimatumDoctorIvan Mykolaichuk. DedicationselfGod's GiftImpotentGame of ImaginationWhat a Mess!Jennifer, Ambassador's wifeThe Third is Coming HandyDaphnis and ChloeClearistoIstanbul TransitОльга БорисовнаЧествованиеХилариYour Fingers Smell Like IncenseFor What Sake are You in a Tailcoat?The Price of HeadCharlotteLadies' Man 2New OdeonThe TerroristDaddy and MamA Puppy from the Constellation of the DogLida's motherThe Family ManThe recruiterMy SeawomanLambada performerThe InitiatedМатьSanit ZoneLadies' ManA Man Came to a WomanI'm All RightKites Don't Share Their PreyIntergirlЗина МелейкоLove with BenefitsИринаThe Utinoozyorsk AccidentJunkOlga Tsvetkova, zhena KaloshinaPresumption of InnocenceZoya Bolotnikova - populyarnaya pevitsaЭнергичные людиСоняOne Time DealN. SmirnovaThe ChristiansPelageya KaraulovaThe Right Peopleтренер по аэробикеAttempt on GOELROSnake CatcherVeraWild WindNataGoldfishI'm Sorry If You Can...I'm Ready to Take a ChallengeВыигрыш одинокого коммерсантаSecret of the BlackbirdsAdele FortescueTheftAt Another People's HolidayWhite CrowOnly in the Music HallEsopKleyaIncomparable TipsBig Little WarMarusyaShot In The BackЕлена Николаевна Ванина, жена артельщикаBabylon XXMalvaThe Very Same MunchhausenBertha, songstressPlease Accuse Klava K. of My DeathVera SergeevnaThe Adventures of Prince FloriselЖанетт31st of JuneMiss QueenieThe DuennaDianaYuliya VrevskayaLyubaGolden Mine12 стульевdancerThe Magic Lantern12 ChairsтанцовщицаВсе непонятливые(voice)Starling and LyreGirl at the baroness's reception (uncredited)Бенефис Сергея МартинсонаDirector None 😵Shows The Most BeautifulMy Fair NannyЛюбовь Григорьевна (мама Виктории)Careful, Zadov!OlyaThe Twelve Chairsтанцовщица