Lyudmila MaksakovaLyudmila MaksakovaSep 26, 1940 Moscow, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies VMayakovskyAttractionSofiaАлександр Белявский. Личное дело ФоксаImage not foundSelf - Народная артистка РоссииAnna KareninaAbout Love In Any WeatherAgent ZoyaThe Mixer TapMu-MuMistressThe Days of a ManTen Little Indiansmiss Emily Caroline BrentCandidateТам, где нас нетThrough Main Street with an OrchestraAllaBefore MyselfТамара Иннокентьевна ШубниковаTrips on an Old CarZoya PavlovnaProhindiada or running on the spotректор Мария НикитичнаRichard IIIToday and Always50 Years of Sergei Obraztsov's Puppet TheaterIdiotThe BatRosalindeFather SergiusMakovkinaDay of Admittance on Personal MattersГалинаAutumnMargoTouchThe DuelNadezhda FyodorovnaThe Battle after the VictoryPropazha SvidetelyaАнтрацитNatashaPrincess TurandotАдельмаEnough Stupidity in Every Wise ManMamaevaNot Under the JurisdictionNadyaFaustTatyana's DayТаня ОгневаYour ContemporaryThe End of 'Saturn'The Road to 'Saturn'Kremlin CourierThere Was an Old CoupleThe Tale of Young SpousesInterview with SpringPierБабуленькаDirector None 😵Shows NominationAgafya Aleksandrovna