Natalya BelokhvostikovaNatalya BelokhvostikovaJul 28, 1951 Moscow, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Причуды судьбыThe snow is falling in RussiaЕленаДжоконда на асфальтеYear of the Horse - Constellation ScorpioWatch Without HandsWhite FeastAsk and It Will Be YoursЕкатеринаTen Years Without Right to Write LettersНинаThe LawThe ChoiceMariya, Veronika VasilyevaSnake CatcherLenaThe City of BridesLena ReutovaA Legal MarriageOlga KalinkinaI'll Teach You to DreamThe ShoreEmma HerbertTwo Chapters from the Family ChronicleThe Circus PrincessCountessTeheran '43Marie Louni/Nathalie LouniThe Uninvited FriendNinaLittle Tragediesдона АннаA Glass of WaterAnne, Queen of EnglandThe Legend of TillNeleThe OceanAnechkaNadezhdaNadezhda Konstantinovna KrupskayaSing a Song, PoetAnna SneginaBy the LakeLena BarminaNastasiya and FomkaNastasiyaDirector None 😵Shows Little Tragediesдона АннаЛегенда о ТилеNeleRouge et NoirMatilda de la Mole