Bertrand TavernierBertrand TavernierApr 25, 1941 ✝️ Mar 25, 2021Lyon, Rhône, FranceBiography:Bertrand Tavernier (25 April 1941 – 25 March 2021) was a French director, screenwriter, actor and producer.Movies Jean Rochefort, l'irrésistibleSelf (archive footage)Les secrets de la belle endormieSelfJourneys Through French CinemaNot found in TMDBSelfBoia, maschere e segreti: l’horror italiano degli anni sessantaSé stessoAn American Named KazanSelfMichel Legrand, sans demi-mesureSelfMy Journey Through French CinemaSelfM présenté par Bertrand TavernierImage not foundSelfEddy Mitchell, itinérairesSelfDivine Comédie, des planches à l'écranSelfThe French MinisterUn journaliste TV (voice)In The Tracks of Lalo SchifrinImage not foundSelfIl était une fois... « La règle du jeu »Self (cinéaste)Jean Aurenche, écrivain de cinémaSelfCode Name: MelvilleSelfRomy Schneider: A Woman in Three NotesSelfThe Audacious AdventurerSelfFilmmakers in ActionSelfMichael PowellThe Strange Gaze of Mark LewisClaude Sautet or the Invisible MagicSelfJean-Pierre Melville and Army of ShadowsSelfClint Eastwood: Out of the ShadowsSelf - DirectorIn the Shadow of HollywoodSelfThe Other Side of the TracksLui-mêmeBlue Note - A Story of Modern JazzSelfThe Lumière Brothers' First FilmsNarratorThe World of Jacques DemySelfThe Cineastes' ExitNarratorJean Renoir: Part One - From La Belle Époque to World War IISelfGershwinSelfThe Young Girls Turn 25SelfFrançois Truffaut: Stolen PortraitsSelfThe Undeclared WarNarratorDaddy NostalgiaNarrator (uncredited)Pictures of EuropeSelfHôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus BarbieSelfBefore MidnightSelf (archive footage)A Sunday in the CountryLe narrateurThe Bakery Girl of MonceauYoung Man, Narrator (voice) (uncredited)Las películas de mi vidaBertrand TavernierDirector Journeys Through French CinemaDirectorMy Journey Through French CinemaDirectorThe French MinisterDirectorThe Princess of MontpensierDirectorIn the Electric MistDirectorLaissez-les grandir ici!Co-DirectorHoly LolaDirectorSafe ConductDirectorHistoires de vies brisées: les 'double peine' de LyonDirectorIt All Starts TodayDirectorThe Other Side of the TracksDirectorWe, France's Undocumented ImmigrantsCo-DirectorCaptain ConanDirectorFresh BaitDirectorD'Artagnan's DaughterDirectorL.627DirectorThe Undeclared WarDirectorAgainst OblivionDirectorDaddy NostalgiaDirectorLife and Nothing ButDirectorBeatriceDirectorRound MidnightDirectorMississippi BluesDirectorA Sunday in the CountryDirectorCoup de TorchonDirectorA Week's VacationDirectorDeath WatchDirectorSpoiled ChildrenDirectorThe Judge and the AssassinDirectorLet Joy Reign SupremeDirectorThe Watchmaker of St. PaulDirectorParanoiaAssistant DirectorA Matter of HonorFirst Assistant DirectorLes baisersDirectorChance at LoveDirectorLéon Morin, PriestAssistant DirectorShows Journeys Through French CinemaSelf