Ivan LapikovIvan LapikovJul 8, 1922 ✝️ May 2, 1993Gornyy Balykley, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Quiet Flows The Donold cossackHouse on the StoneПоследняя субботаBlack DevilWhy?AlekseiНаша дачаSouvenir for the ProsecutorIzmaylov's ChiefThe Village of Stepanchikovo and Its InhabitantsEarthly JoysMay I die, LordThe Land of My ChildhoodA Cossack Galloped Through the ValleyBoris GodunovStarikReturn of BudulaiVasiliyBefore We Partuncle PashaYoung Russiaархиепископ АфанасийOne True LoveВзятка. Из блокнота журналиста В. ЦветковаМихаил Андреевич МиховSpringFront in the Rear of the EnemyAt the Beginning of Glorious DaysLittle TragediesсвященникЗдесь, на моей землеI Wish You SuccessFather Sergiusold man on the ferryДиалогRudolf Vasilyevich DementyevThe SteppeFront Beyond the Front LineMama, I’m AliveGeneralThey Fought for Their Motherlandsergeant PoprischenkoЗакрытие сезонаMy DestinyМихаил Николаевич ЕрмаковИстокиYegor Bulychyov and OthersPropoteiНежданный гостьA Minute of SilenceBoris KrayushkinSilver TrumpetsThe RoundaboutIonaО друзьях-товарищахСохранившие огоньFive Day RestReckoning13 ordersmaster - remontnik po dveryamOur FriendsPal PalychThe Brothers KaramazovЛягавыйThe House and the HostInto The Light(segment "The Pantaloon")Across Rus'ИоаннThe JournalistPavel PustovoytovAndrei RublevKirillThe Passion According To AndreiKirillA Horseman over the CityAina's grandfatherOur HouseUncle KolyaUnbidden LoveWagtail's ArmyThe ChairmanSemyon TrubnikovIf You Are RightGolubevMissionThe Boys from Leningradold man SpiridonDirector None 😵Shows Russia Is Youngархиепископ АфанасийLittle TragediesсвященникEternal CallPankrat Nazarov