Takashi IrieImage not foundTakashi IrieApr 21, 1959 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies CafuneBakemonoMitsuoSilence and SunsetOld Man by the RiverPay PhoneImage not foundPlanet of AmoebasDRAGON BLACK 第2章Dragon BlackThe LookYakuza's Lady 2Kunoichi HuntersLupin the Third: Swallowtail TattooSantana (voice)Lupin the Third: Voyage to DangerAdditional VoicesBugsLupin the Third: Dead or AliveSilver (voice)Lupin the Third: The Pursuit of Harimao's TreasureAdditional VoicesLupin the Third: Farewell to NostradamusReligious Organisation Soldier (voice)Director None 😵Shows PreCure Splash StarKoichiro Mishou (voice)