Stéphane BernasconiStéphane BernasconiJan 1, 1970 FranceBiography:Sin descripciónMovies None 😵Director De avonturen van Kuifje V2Not found in TMDBDirectorDe Avonturen Van Kuifje V1Not found in TMDBDirectorDe avonturen van Kuifje V3Not found in TMDBDirectorDe avonturen van Kuifje V5Not found in TMDBDirectorDe avonturen van Kuifje V4Not found in TMDBDirectorLa porte du druideNot found in TMDBDirectorThe Yellow MarkNot found in TMDBDirectorKuifje in AmerikaNot found in TMDBDirectorKuifje Raket Naar De MaanNot found in TMDBDirectorKuifje De 7 kristallen bollenNot found in TMDBDirectorKuifje Het geheim van de eenhoornNot found in TMDBDirectorKuifje de krab met de gulden scharenNot found in TMDBDirectorPrisoners of the SunDirectorTintin in AmericaDirectorExplorers on the MoonDirectorDestination MoonDirectorThe Castafiore EmeraldDirectorThe Seven Crystal BallsDirectorThe Red Sea SharksDirectorThe Calculus AffairDirectorFlight 714DirectorLand of Black GoldDirectorTintin and the PicarosDirectorTintin in TibetDirectorKing Ottokar's SceptreDirectorThe Broken EarDirectorThe Shooting StarDirectorThe Calculus AffairDirectorThe Black IslandDirectorThe Blue LotusDirectorCigars of the PharaohDirectorRed Rackham's TreasureDirectorThe Secret of the UnicornDirectorThe Crab with the Golden ClawsDirectorShows None 😵