Scott Alexander YoungScott Alexander YoungDec 22, 1965 Biography:Scott Alexander Young is an American actor, producer, and writer.Movies EmergencyPresident Richard NixonThe Heroes of HalyardGeneral ArmstrongTo Russia with LoveFyodorThe InvitationUncle JuliusThe SurvivorReferee (Big Fight)The Good TraitorIntrigo: SamariaPolice Commissioner WintherCurtizHal B. WallisK-12Mr. CornwellColetteHotel Manager (uncredited)Red SparrowRussian OfficerMayhemFrankFallen AngelsMr. LovellThe Childhood of a LeaderCounselorMaigret Sets A TrapInspectorAnti-SocialTV ReporterThe MartianJPL Pathfinder TeamAngkor 3DThe Medieval TripScott Alexander YoungEichmannRobert ServatiusDirector None 😵Shows Constantine's CrossingDoctor RichmondWorld Without EndJohn Constable