Kamil SzeptyckiKamil SzeptyckiJan 27, 1991 immenstadt, Bavaria, GermanyBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Chopin, A Sonata in ParisJulian FontanaThe CurseMan in the BedPilecki's ReportJan HrebendaSquared Love EverlastingMarcinThese Damn Peoniesflower shop employeeTips for Cheating 2IgorMother's DayBrick agentKiss, Kiss!Krystian 'Kris' KoseckiSquared Love All Over AgainMarcinDon't Talk to Me Like ThatImage not foundJulianHeart ParadeDawidThe ChampionKroppBlack SheepTomekNoamiaPolicjantThe MarshalKazimierz SosnkowskiStones for the RampartMaciej Aleksy Dawidowski "Alek"ClergymanManDirector None 😵Shows When's the Wedding?Patryk WróbelMatildaRobert BodenTo nie ze mnąRoberto TrapieriŚladTomasz BączykLekarze na startDr Piotr SzumaAż po sufit!Tomek Domirski