Kim Hong-paKim Hong-paJan 5, 1962 Busan, South KoreaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies 4PMYook-namThe PlotJu Seong-jikHopelessKim Guk-hwanRememberDirector SeoSinkholeDirector SeoGhost MansionKeeperSeobokBureau Director Bae Guk-jangThe Man Standing NextAmbassador YunThe BeastMr. JangSvaha: The Sixth FingerPrison GovernorThe Dude in MeCEO HanMAL·MO·E: The Secret MissionCho Gap-yoonThe Drug KingProfessor BaekDefaultNew Senior Secretary for Economic AffairsThe Spy Gone NorthKim Myung-sooRealChoi Nak-hyeonThe Sheriff In TownMr. Yun (uncredited)The MayorParty leader KimThe King's Case NotePrime MinisterOne-LineDirector BaekMissing YouChief policeA Violent ProsecutorPrison Warden내부자들: 디 오리지널Oh Hyun-sooInside MenOh Hyun-sooAssassinationKim GooThe Wicked Are AliveBaek Dong-ilGranny's Got TalentMiddle-aged man in the subwayThe Divine MovePrison DirectorBrokenTeam Leader KooGo, Stop, MurderMan in LoveMr. ParkNew WorldMob Director KimNameless GangsterHead of Department UhmThe Accidental GangsterI Am HappyDoctorA Boy Who Went to HeavenPervertWanee & JunahPresident of the Film CompanyAmbiguous ManSenior SuperintendentDirector None 😵Shows The Judge from HellJeong Jae-geolThe AuditorsSeo Gil-pyoMy Happy EndingSeo Chang-seokPayback: Money and PowerMyung In JooBig BetMin Seok-joonShadow DetectiveSeo Gwang-suOne Ordinary DayPark Sang-beom2021 Summer Drama Collage: Monster Mansion[Caretaker]Black DogByeon Sung-jooMiss LeeJo Dong-jinChief of StaffJo Gap-YoungSpecial Labor Inspector, Mr. JoJo Jin-CheolSuspicious PartnerJang Moo-YoungWhisperKang Yoo-TaekDr. RomanticYu Wun-youngPied PiperJung Tae-Soo