Bessie LearnBessie LearnAug 30, 1888 ✝️ Feb 5, 1987San Diego, California, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Lost BattalionThe Girl Next DoorThe Call of the CityImage not foundBessie GrahamAcross the Great DivideMary - the Operator's SweetheartThrough Turbulent WatersImage not foundJane DinsmoreMcQuade of the Traffic SquadNora LearyThe Lone GameGrace ProctorThe Active Life of Dolly of the Dailies #5: The Chinese FanImage not foundMuriel ArmstrongThe Doctor's DutyThe NurseA Short Life and a Merry OneBread on the WatersImage not foundMary WilsonOver the Back FenceNell - Matilda's NieceJohn Manley's AwakeningImage not foundEthel - Manley's ProtegéHis Mother's HopeThe CashierThe Totville EyeFlossieA Romance of the RailsWhen She Was About SixteenSueRevenge Is SweetOne of the Office GirlsDirector None 😵Shows None 😵