Jakov SedlarImage not foundJakov SedlarJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Forget Me NotDirector Congo, Rwanda & Anne FrankDirectorForever as the End – FateDirectorOnce Upon a Time in CroatiaDirectorTo Love and BackDirectorThe MatchDirectorFrom Auschwitz to HollywoodDirector1918-2018: Hundred Years of Serbian Terror in CroatiaDirectorThe Righteous GypsyDirectorAnne Frank, Then and NowDirectorToronto Croatia – One Big Croatian Story...DirectorRighteous StepinacDirectorTito UnmaskedDirectorSearching for OrsonDirectorJerusalem SyndromeDirectorMercy of the SeaDirectorRemembrance of GeorgiaDirectorIn Four RowsDirectorAgonyDirectorTudjmanDirectorCroatia: Land of 1,100 Islands & 101 DalmatiansDirectorForget Me NotDirectorBasketball MozartDirectorVirgin MaryDirectorIn the Midst of My DaysDirector260 DaysDirectorShows None 😵