Irina CherichenkoIrina CherichenkoAug 3, 1963 Polyarniy, Murmansk Oblast, RSFSR, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Маленький шефIn LimboOlga RomanovaPromisesMotherA Girl with a ScytheВьюгаImage not foundOnce and foreverКурортный туманDuelTwo tickets to VeniceKorolevLadies' Man 2Tractor Drivers 2The Revelation of John the ForeprinterTaisiaWho Should Live in RussiaThe ServantChorus girlTomorrow Was the WarIskra PolyakovaZina-ZinulyaNatashaThe City of BridesOlyaDirector None 😵Shows Натали и Александрмать ПушкинаPenultimate InstanceRimma AleksandrovnaRugbyThe FerrymanИгуменьяThe CountedКосаПаромщица. Долина мечты