Harris YulinHarris YulinNov 5, 1937 Los Angeles, California, USABiography:Harris Yulin (born November 5, 1937) is an American actor.Movies Omni LoopProfessor DuselbergA Farewell to OzarkSelf (Archival Fotage)All SquareBobWanderlandCharlesThe SoundingLionelShadow WorldSmedley D. Butler (voice)The Family FangHobart WaxmanThe American SideTom SoberinNorman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York FixerJo WilfA Short History of DecayBob FisherMuhammad Ali's Greatest FightWilliam O. DouglasThe Place Beyond the PinesAl CrossAn Amazing Time: A Conversation About End of the RoadSelfMadso's WarJim O'ConnorMy Soul to TakeDr. BlakeLoving LeahRabbi BelskyFur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane ArbusDavid NemerovGame 6Peter RedmondKing of the CornerPeter HargroveJudy Garland: By MyselfSelf, NarratorThe Emperor's ClubSenator BellTraining DayDoug RosselliChelsea WallsBud's EditorAmerican OutlawsThaddeus RainsRush Hour 2Agent SterlingPerfumePhillipMailer on MailerThe Million Dollar HotelStanley GoldkissThe VirginianJudge Henry75 Degrees in JulyRick AndersonThe HurricaneLeon FriedmanCradle Will RockChairman Martin DiesBeanGeorge GriersonHostile WatersAdmiral QuinnMurder at 1600General Clark TullyIf These Walls Could TalkProfessor SperasLooking for RichardSelf, King EdwardLoch NessDr MercerMultiplicityLeedsCutthroat IslandBlack HarryTrumanGen. George C. MarshallThe Baby-Sitters ClubHaroldStuart Saves His FamilyDadClear and Present DangerNational Security Advisor James CutterThe Last HitWilbur BryantThe Heart of JusticeKeneallyThere Goes the NeighborhoodMarvin BoydFinal AnalysisProsecuting Attorney (uncredited)Face of a StrangerDavidNarrow MarginLeo WattsDaughter of the StreetsJohn FrancoTailspin: Behind the Korean Airliner TragedyTysonGhostbusters IIJudge WexlerAnother WomanPaulBad DreamsDr. BerrisfordCandy MountainElmore SilkFatal BeautyConrad KrollThe BelieversRobert CalderConspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8Thomas ForanGood to GoChief HarriganScarfaceBernsteinThe Last Ride of the Dalton GangJesse JamesSteelEddie CassidyThe Night RiderBilly 'Bowlegs' BainesWhen Every Day Was the Fourth of JulyProsecutor Joseph T. AntonelliAmerican RaspberryCharles ConlinRansom for Alice!Isaac PrattRoger & Harry: The Mitera TargetArthur PenningtonVictory at EntebbeGeneral Dan ShomronSt. IvesDet. Carl OllerDynastyJohn BlackwoodThe Kansas City MassacreJohn LaziaNight MovesMarty HellerThe Trial of Chaplain JensenLieutenant KastnerMelvin Purvis G-ManGeorge 'Machine Gun' KellyThe F.B.I. Story: The FBI Versus Alvin Karpis, Public Enemy Number OneJ. Edgar HooverThe Greatest GiftHog YancyWatched!Gordon RankeyThe Midnight ManSheriff Jack CaseyThe Legend of Hillbilly JohnZebulon YandroIncident at VichyLeduc, A DoctorDocWyatt EarpMaidstoneEnd of the RoadJoe MorganDirector None 😵Shows WIOUNeal Frazier