Massimo SeratoMassimo SeratoMay 31, 1916 ✝️ Dec 22, 1989Oderzo, TrevisoBiography:Sin descripciónMovies The Vulture Is a Patient BirdFratelli d'ItaliaFabiano Bassi32nd of DecemberFerruccio CeravoloSingoloImage not foundLe lunghe ombreImage not foundSaving GraceMonsignor BettiIl ragazzo di campagnaDrug DealerNanaFaucherieStreet of MirrorsCouncillor BianchiStigmaMiguel's FatherKiller NunDr. PoirretThe HumanoidGreat BrotherConvoy BustersMr. DeganThe Bloodstained ShadowCount PedrazziLadies' DoctorDott. Guido Lo BiancoEvil ThoughtsCarlo BocconiOrigins of the MafiaMarquis TarconeRitratto di donna velataGrimaldiAutopsyGianni SannaSalvo D'AcquistoHalderDon't Look NowBishop BarbarrigoWomen in Cell Block 7WardenNumber OneaHandsome FaceValérioOne Appreciated Professional of Sure FutureBishopWho Killed the Prosecutor and Why?Uncle FifiThe Great SwindleHugoSergeant KlemsFrench GeneralAt the End of the RainbowEmilianoThree Giants of the Roman EmpireCaio Appio QuintillianoLady CaliphL'industriale fallitoLight the Fuse… Sartana Is ComingSheriff ManassasIl divorzioMario GherardiThe GamblersDel IsollaHow Did a Nice Girl Like You Get Into This Business?CapitanoEdipeonCamille 2000Armand's fatherBesiegedCrusichIt Was Good to Love YouLucaCatch As Catch CanAgenteThe Magnificent TexanBlackie StarkThe Honey PotThe Pretender (uncredited) (scenes deleted)The Strange NightCarlo ParianteLa mujer perdidaD. Rafael ValcálcerThe Wild, Wild PlanetMr. NurmiDelitto quasi perfettoPrestonSuperSeven Calling CairoAlexThe 10th VictimLawyer$100,000 for RingoIvesChallenge of the GladiatorSenator Lucius QuintiliusLa Celestina P… R…MarcelloThe Revolt of the SevenBaxoGunmen Of The Rio GrandeLeoFBI Operation Yellow ViperThe Lion of ThebesTutmesHero of RomeTarquinSamson vs. the Giant KingCzar Nicola NicolajevicFull Hearts and Empty PocketsChefredakteurBrennus, Enemy of RomeMarco Furio CamilloThe Secret SevenAxelThe Tyrant of Lydia Against the Son of HerculesMarciusSamson and the Slave QueenGarcia De Higuera55 Days at PekingGaribaldiThe Invincible Masked Riderdon RodrigoThe Shortest DayUfficiale (uncredited)HypnosisThe Secret Mark of D'ArtagnanCardinal RichelieuPontius PilateNicodemusEl CidFanezConstantine and the CrossMaxentiusLes Amours d'HerculeacteurLove, the Italian WayNobile sicilianoTi aspetterò all'infernoAlThe Loves of HerculesLicosThe Queen of the PiratesCesare di SantacroceDavid and GoliathAbnerThe Pirate and the Slave GirlRoberto DiegoThe MagistrateUgoTunisi top secretNikosCavalier in Devil's CastleCapitano Ugone di CollefeltroThe Sword and the CrossAnanCaptain FalconBaron Oddo di SerraThe Naked MajaConte Rodrigo SanchezAphrodite, Goddess of LoveQuinto RufoThe Silent EnemyForzenelliPeppino, le modelle e... chella llàCarlo RosatiUna grande ombraFranco DonatiTormento d'amorePietro MartínezSupreme ConfessionMarco NeriMaruzzellaSalvatoreDer goldene FalkeMassimo di MontefalcoIl piccolo vetraiobarone de la MotteThe WidowVittorioCartoucheHenri de VauborancheLa trovatella di MilanoGabrieleLoves of Three QueensParide (segment: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships)Madame du BarryPietà per chi cadeLivio VaniniPublic OpinionFoglio di viaAndreaLucrèce BorgiaAlphonse d'AragonThe Man From CairoBasil ConstantineThe Merchant of VeniceAntonioEager to LiveMassimoGioventù alla sbarraGigiI Piombi di VeneziaOrsenegoThe Story of William TellHermann GesslerThe Devil's DaughterAdolfo SantagataMilady and the MusketeersRochefortRed LoveSimone SoleI due derelittiIncantesimo tragicoBertoIl conte di Sant'ElmoCity of ViolencePeppuccio detto PeppeThe Thief of VeniceScarpa the InquisitorFugitive LadyGeneSunday in AugustRobertoThe Pirates of CapriBaron HolsteinMarechiaroLuca SalvatoriMonastero di Santa ChiaraRudolfThe Revenge of BaccaratRocamboleI cavalieri dalle maschere nere (I beati paoli)contino della MottaLa Danse de mortStéphane, StefanoLa signora dalle camelieAlexandre Dumas, filsSangue a Ca' FoscariCavaliere della RosaOutcryIl maggiore HeinrichIl mondo vuole cosìAlbertoIn High PlacesGiorgio ZanettiThe Materassi SistersRemoGiacomo l'idealistaGiacomo LanzavecchiaL'uomo venuto dal mareIl marinaioDue cuori sotto sequestroIl compositorePiccolo mondo anticoFranco MaironiL'amore cantaAlbertoL'ispettore VargasLe père LebonnardJeanne DoréExtra in ball sceneDirector None 😵Shows Origins of the MafiaMarquis TarconeRitratto di Donna VelataGrimaldiMelissaDon Page