Kenji SusukidaKenji SusukidaSep 14, 1898 ✝️ May 26, 1972Nishishinmachi, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Ukyunosuke on PatrolMiyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword StyleLeague of GangstersKishidaDuel of the UnderworldSeventeen NinjaA Revengeful RaidKeepers of OrderThe Mad FoxOld Man FoxSakura OfficialKnightly AdviceFeisty Edo Girl Nakanori-sanThe Ako RetainersSamurai HawkLord of Steel HeartAwaji MamoruThe Shogun and the FishmongerCastle of FlamesMighty ShosukeShinran, Part IIThe Swordsman In The Golden ValleyLord Mito: All Star VersionNinja AssassinsOfficial with a TattooLord AtobeReturn of the One-Armed SwordsmanSamurai VagabondsRoad of ChivalryMagic BoyMaster Tozawa Hakuun (voice)The Travel notes of Choshichiro - Peregrine GoblinBlooded SpearEcho in the MountainsMuneyoshi InazenA Spectacular ShowdownBride of Peacock CastleThe Forbidden CastleThe Unleashed LordTange Sazen: Mystery of the Twin DragonsDiary of a Wandering LordHouse of Spider WebsGirl with the Fire BannerFighting DispositionRoughneck From AsamaGoheiThe OutsidersOhiwaKunisada ChujiBored Hatamoto: Idle Vassal TributeFireball MagistrateSeven from EdoManabeWind, Woman and RoadShozaemonEdo Girl DetectiveShigaki MondonoshoSecret of The Golden SpellGurakuKid Magician SasukeThe Scroll’s SecretA Chivalrous SpiritGlorious Standard BearerJet Air Base 101Ghost Ship Part 2AkuryuoLord MitoThe Lord Takes a BrideOshimaCase of Young Lord 5: Death of a beauty at midnightCase of a Young Lord 4: Bridal Robe in BloodThe Horse BoyLovestruck Ronin旗本退屈男 謎の紅蓮塔Cantankerous Edo朱鞘罷り通るNinja's Weapon旗本退屈男 謎の幽霊船Virtue in SpadesSwordsman of the Two Sword Style鍔鳴浪人The master of the sword danceThe Kuroda AffairThe Seven Faces of Bannai Tarao, Private EyeChrist in BronzeElderHiryū musō牢獄の花嫁振袖釼法林山和尚The Black Hooded ManGolden ValleyFoul PlayTakamasa IshiguroFall of the Shogun's MilitiaOguri Kozukenosuke旗本退屈男 謎の百万両The Street Without SunFatherSorcerer's Orb: Part 1The Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 3: Sword of RevengeSansai DobeDenshichi Torimonocho: Senryo Human Skin池の端の万五郎The Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 2: Dance of RevengeSansai DobeThe Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 1: Revenge and Love疾風愛憎峠続南国太平記 薩南の嵐お役者変化柳沢出羽守旗本退屈男 どくろ屋敷Kaiketsu kuro zukinHana no shôgai犬塚外記HiroshimaDr. Nishina47 VendettasKôzukenosuke KiraUshiwakamaru柳生の兄弟柳生但馬守Castle of Revengeお洒落狂女Ministry of Popular AffairsThe Stand in HakoneLes Miserables II: Banner of Love and FreedomLes Miserables I: God and the DevilCrazy UproarWedding RingTetsuya KukiFour Seasons of WomenPainter SakasegawaA Woman's LifeApostasySegawa's fatherActressKeisuke FukuharaThose Who Make TomorrowGintaro Okamoto, FatherWho Is the Criminal?Umi o yobu koe花婿太閤記Saigo no kikyōIkeru isu紅顏鼓笛隊Ryū no misakiThus the Divine Wind BlowsTokuemon TakayamaKokusai MitsuyudanWakaki sugataTakayama, principalDance of the CapitalSandai no sakazukiNew SnowDate Masamune the One-Eyed DragonZoku HebihimesamaTuitionMr. TashiroSea Raiding UnitThe Siege of OsakaDirector None 😵Shows None 😵