Patrick d'AssumçaoPatrick d'AssumçaoJun 1, 1959 Biography:Patrick d'Assumçao (born 1 June 1959) is a French actor. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMovies JúpiterLoulouJean-LucThe Taste of ThingsGrimaudLa Fille Qu'on AppelleFranck BellecMagnificatDr. GrammelJeanne du BarryChoiseulUnder The StarsPascalThe Tiger and The PresidentM. RadeauValiant HeartsVicarCop Goes MissingSerge Laborderie, aka 'Ping-Pong'What's Wrong with My Family?EricThe HeroicsJean-PierreThe Man in the BasementMonsieur LerouxThe InspectionL'inspecteurBack HomeMichelPlotRaymond, the fatherI Lost My BodyGigi (voice)The Président and the crossing keeperSomeone, SomewherePère de RémyFather & SonsAlfredYasminaJeannotMurder on Devil's BridgePhilippe CharrasDanielBakerFortunaMr. BlanchetThe ApparitionFather BorrodineNormandy NudeMauriceI Didn't Shoot Jesse JamesJesse JamesOur PatriotsPierre LagrangeElementaryM. SabatierThe Death of Louis XIVFagon, le médecinArctic HeartPhilippeAprès SuzanneThe DoctorSong of the BlackbirdM. Verlhac, le patronLand LegsPatron de DomPunk à chienMichelA ChildhoodL'instuteurFloridaHomme pavillonDiary of a ChambermaidLe capitaineAll About ThemWilliamCaligulaStranger by the LakeHenriHunting GroundKymaDirector None 😵Shows Une amitié dangereuseOrnanoUnder ControlLe chauffeurClass ActJean-Baptiste TapieParis Police 1900PuybaraudVoltaire in LoveLieutenant généralCheyenne & LolaYannickTwice Upon a TimeAndré