Richard FriedmanImage not foundRichard FriedmanJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Shop Til' You Drop!: The Making of Phantom of the MallSelfDirector Thou Shalt KillDirectorActs of DesperationDirectorChristmas Crime StoryDirectorHalfway to HellDirector5th & AlamedaDirectorBornDirectorDark WolfDirectorGround ZeroDirectorCan't Be HeavenDirectorGeorge Romero's Golden Tales 2DirectorIn the Shadows, Someone's WatchingDirectorShadow of a StrangerDirectorWhispersSecond Assistant DirectorPhantom of the Mall: Eric's RevengeDirectorDead Man OutThird Assistant DirectorDoom AsylumDirectorScared StiffDirectorStephen King's Golden TalesDirectorAnswer MeDirectorDeathmaskDirectorShows None 😵