Unpei YokoyamaUnpei YokoyamaJan 1, 1881 ✝️ Apr 3, 1967Biography:Sin descripciónMovies ChûshinguraThe Youth and His AmuletLife of a Country DoctorThe Wild ReporterWoman from the SeaBreak Down that WallZesshouTamekichiThe Man Who Wagers TomorrowRokunosuke KomatsuEmperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese WarCordon at DawnThe Ghost of KasaneKanzôEmperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese WarThe Thick-Walled RoomThe Ceiling at UtsunomiyaTokubeiThe Ghosts of YotsuyaAppeal on the CrossKuronekokan ni Kieta OtokoNonki saibanBloody Spear at Mount FujiThe Sacrifice of the Human Torpedoes一本刀土俵入 Shigemori Goes To TokyoKoina no GinpeiJirocho, the HuntedMurahachibu大当りパチンコ娘Miki, the SwordmanTsuki yori no haha新遊侠伝 遊侠往来新遊侠伝Yasubei NakayamaGuntō nanban-senSnow-FlakeItakura's fatherGhost Cat of NabeshimaEleven High School GirlsA Tale of Archery at the SanjusangendoSagohei the Three-footerInozuke YamadaThe Most BeautifulDormitory worker (uncredited)Kantaro of InaThe Man Who WaitedGreen EarthA Man's Flower Road of TriumphThe Battle of KawanakajimaNikichiDancers of AwaIemitsu and HikozaSakai Saemon-no-jo IetsuguZoku HebihimesamaFlowers Blooming In the StormEntatsu, Achako and Torazo: Chuji Kunisada's First Smile of the New YearSong of the White OrchidMachiGrandfatherThe Fighting FiremenMuraemonEnoken’s Shrewd PeriodKasumi's FatherIshimatsu from the ForestYasubei HoribeKuriyama DaizenGreat Bodhisattva Pass 2Theater of Life: Youth VersionKunisada Chūji銃後に咲く喜兵衛Tange Sazen - Dai-ippenAnd Yet They Go OnMistress of a ForeignerDewanokami NakamuraAshesMetropolitan SymphonyTwo Little BirdsFutari shizukaThe Living CorpseAkatsukiSadakichi Shimizu, the Armed RobberPolicemanDirector None 😵Shows None 😵