Chiu Sek-ManChiu Sek-ManJul 6, 1945 ✝️ Feb 9, 2015Biography:Sin descripciónMovies 72 Tenants of ProsperitySugar Cane CustomerThe Gambling GhostExecutive LeeHappy Ghost IVDirector None 😵Shows Under the VeilRomantic RepertoireLady SourWitness InsecurityLinks to TemptationThe Mysteries of LoveThe Greatness of a HeroWord Twisters' AdventuresTen BrothersDicey BusinessThe Gentle CrackdownLand of WealthThe Charm BeneathThe Prince's ShadowBetter Halves陈总管Where the Legend BeginsRoad To EternityFace to FaceCrimes of PassionThe Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils丁春秋 Ting Chun-chowShow Time Blues