Suen Kwai-HingSuen Kwai-HingJan 1, 1970 ✝️ Nov 30, 2015Hong Kong, ChinaBiography:Sin descripciónMovies On the Wrong TrackDirector None 😵Shows My Better HalfIn the Chamber of BlissThe Greatness of a HeroThe King of SnookerPhoenix RisingThe Gentle CrackdownLand of WealthThe Dance of PassionLa Femme DesperadoSafe GuardsReal Kung FuThe Prince's ShadowPlain Love IIAgainst the Blade of HonourOnce Upon a Time in ShanghaiState of Divinity莫大先生The Criminal Investigator - Project StormTo Love With LovePlain LoveShade of DarknessConscienceThe PartnerThe Heroes From ShaolinBeing HonestCrime FightersYu MinThe Revelation of the Last HeroLand of GloryBeside the Seaside, Beside the SeaThe Lady of IronFamily Squad梁伯The Hunter's PreyA Time of TasteIn The Realms of JoyA World ApartIt Runs in the FamilyWhere Heroes DareMy Father's SonTwo Most Honorable Knights萬春流Take Care Your HighnessThe Shell GameOn The WaterfrontSword of FuryThe Royal Sword