Gudmundur ThorvaldssonGudmundur ThorvaldssonJun 25, 1973 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies MaryMarcellusBellePapaAll Eyes on MeGunnarDeliriumGrímurApril SkiesKristopherThe Dairy TapesNot found in TMDBKennarinnWolkaRobertEurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire SagaMan #1 (1974)Take 5Ómar BlöndalReykjavíkTolliChasing Robert BarkerDavid PillardThe Man Hidden in the RoomImage not foundGudmundurThe Fifth EstateWikiLeaks Staffer #1Days of GrayFatherSeason of the WitchTrausti LöweThe MessangerSundgesturOnce Upon Now...101 ReykjavikEllertNo TraceGulliThe RootiesResonanceEinarDirector None 😵Shows ÓupplýstSeason of the WitchTrausti Löwe