Luciano CatenacciLuciano CatenacciApr 15, 1933 ✝️ Oct 4, 1990Rome, Lazio, ItalyBiography:Sin descripciónMovies I Wanted PantsMicheleThe Dark SunCommissioner CatenaEvil AngelsThe JuryInitiationCarloStreet HeroCiccioMoving OutMaria's FatherLion of the DesertItalian SergeantA Man on His Kneesil commissarioA Dangerous ToyBenottiOdds and EvensParagoulis the GreekClosed CircuitVice QuestoreThe Biggest BattleCommunications Officer, British Communications OfficerL'ultimo guappoDon Pasquale RonciglioGoodbye & AmenVincentBrothers Till We DieAdalberto Maria PerroneCrime BustersFred 'Curly' ClineRome, Armed to the TeethFerdinando GeraceThe Hired GunThe Manager of the Shooting RangeSyndicate SadistsContiManhunt in the CityLt. PascucciHow to Kill a JudgeAvvocato MeloriaCarambola!Cpt. Howard JohnsonAlmost HumanUgo MajoneHere We Go Again, Eh Providence?Count de OrtegaLong Lasting DaysSpyrosAll Sons of the Saintest MotherIl ReverendoMafia JunctionGambleWe Want the ColonelsbenzinaioThe Sicilian ConnectionTony NicolodiThe PariahCiprianoGirolimoni, the Monster of RomeBenito MussoliniIt Can Be Done AmigoJamesBen & CharlieKurtShort Night of Glass DollsMorgue EmployeeThe Price of DeathSheriff Tom StantonConfessions of a Police CaptainFerdinando LomunnoBlackie the PirateChainDue bianchi nell'Africa neraCol. Von TamblerThe Last Day of the WarGerman AideOn Asphalt at Full Speed!Official in Riccione raceIn the Folds of the FleshAntoineRangers Attack at Hour XKill Rommel!il soldato italiano che guida il camion36 Hours of HellLandingThe Battle of El AlameinSergeant O'HaraThe Battle of the DamnedSgt. DeanA Rather Complicated GirlFive Days in SinaiArdenColt in the Hand of the DevilEl Loco (as Luciano Lorcas)Halleluja for DjangoJarrett GangMission PhantomBrettFury of Johnny KidUn colpo da ReGuardoneZ7 Operation RembrandtKill, Baby... Kill!KarlLady Morgan's VengeancePhysician (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵