Igor KashintsevIgor KashintsevJun 17, 1932 ✝️ Dec 11, 2015Moscow, USSRBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Stepanych Spanish VoyageLaw of CorruptionМужской сезон: Бархатная революцияNot found in TMDBSedoyKolkhoz EntertainmentLady for One DayImage not foundChief of policeNight on the CordonSergey's FriendCicatriz (El atentado a Pinochet)At the Dawn of Our Youthful YearsAmerican GrandpaИван ВасильевичThe Confession of a Kept WomanIn Search of the Golden PhallusмафиозиCo-op Politburo, or Will be a Long FarewellPyotr Petrovich (dvoynik Khruscheva)Thank God, Not in America...ClansanovnikHostagesAndrey LukichDon't Wake a Sleeping DogPetr Romanovich PinchukovTyoma's ChildhoodSuicideThe Suicideотец ЕлпидийSave Our SoulsThe VisitThe Light Shines in the DarknessПётр Семёнович КоховцевSlap in the Face That Wasn'tMaigret at the MinisterЖанвьеDefeatМой дом - театрIn the Wilds Where Rivers RunVeraтрактирщик Порфирий НифонтовичPrimary RussiaThe FavoriteA Secret Walk in the WoodsнемецA Legal MarriageactorRest Time from Saturday Until MondayThe Elephant Got LostWe Weren't Married in a ChurchVasiliy BuslaevcourtierTake Care of the Men!Denis KarpovThe Lynx Follows the Pathпассажир вертолёта, «большая шишка»Fiasco of Operation TerrorCziornyjNight GuestsKeychain with secretревизорFlight with the Astronautпредставитель СтройтрестаOblomovPirates of the 20th Centuryrepresentative of a western company, pirate informant - Agent LotosThe Captain's DaughterOfficial (uncredited)Adventures of NukiInternOn the Night of the New MoonColonelTrustPurishkevichEscape of Mr. McKinleyПаркинсThe Magic SkinPages from Pechorin's JournalAutumn'intelligent'Сергеев ищет СергееваPersonnel DirectorMaigret and the Man on the BenchInspecteur JanvierОблакаBlack PrinceПавел Шалыгин «Жаба»Outsiderдруг МанагароваСамый последний деньThe RoundaboutWriterWhat Is to Be Done?Serge (uncredited)Russia's HeartI Am His BrideCommandant of LauterburgJuly RainDirector None 😵Shows Maigret is with the MinisterZhanvieThe ultimate reason for kingsFred Prentice - senatorBattle for Moscowсекретарь Сталина Александр ПоскрёбышевThe Life and Death of Ferdinand LuceHerbert Lenz - editor of the newspaper «Aben Kurir»Investigation Held by ZnaToKiВрач, врач в психиатрической клинике