Alexander DavionAlexander DavionMar 31, 1929 ✝️ Sep 28, 2019Paris, FranceBiography:Sin descripciónMovies As Aventuras do General CusterCapt. Marcus A. RenoClownsAlanWhoops ApocalypseMaguadoran GeneralWynne and PenkovskyLevinArch of TriumphAlexOthelloGratianoJulius CaesarDecius BrutusDark EchoesDereck StanhopeBlood SuckersTony SeymoreClinic ExclusiveLee MaitlandThe Royal Hunt of the SunDe NizzaDanger Has Two FacesImage not foundRoger BarryLutherMiltitzThe Legend of CusterCaptain Marcus A. RenoValley of the DollsTed CasablancaThunderbirds Are GOSpace Captain Greg Martin (voice)The Plague of the ZombiesDenverThe Counterfeit ManDr. CrawfordRattle of a Simple ManRicardoBlind CornerRickie SeldonParanoiacTony AshbySong Without EndFrederic ChopinRichard IIIMessenger to Richard IIIThe Good Die YoungYoung ManCaptain Horatio Hornblower R.N.Spanish Officer (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows The Two Mrs. GrenvillesArturoCusterThe Hunchback of Notre DamePhoebus de ChateaupersThunderbirdsSpace Captain Greg MartinGideon's WayChief Insp. David Keen