Manuela de FreitasManuela de FreitasSep 4, 1940 Lisbon, PortugalBiography:Manuela de Freitas was born on September 4, 1940 in Lisbon, Portugal.Movies The Portuguese WomanVidenteZeusMarioneta (voice)Fado CamanéCome and GoFaustaAntes Que o Tempo MudeImage not foundMotherFragile as the WorldAvóThe Heart's RootMrs. AssembleiaAs Bodas de DeusSister BernardaThe Hips of J.W.PutaHaircutConservativeGod's ComedyJuditeParaíso PerdidoImage not foundInêsFar Away from HerePharmacistRosa NegraBarriga d'ÁguaPoor GeorgeWife in RestaurantHovering Over the WaterSaraXavierSick WomanThe Sound of the Shaking EarthIsabelRecollections of the Yellow HouseDona VioletaA Propósito da Bandeira NacionalNarratorAgostoNinaThree Less MeAna, Rita's Aunt (voice)The Mountains of the MoonIsabelThe Satin SlipperDona IsabelNinguém Duas VezesMarianaDead Man's SeatMafaldaLisboa CulturalDina and DjangoDina's BossSilvestreFranciscaRaquelDoomed LoveFreiraTrailsAtenaEntremês Famoso Sobre a Pesca no Rio MinhoPast and PresentNoémiaFragments of an Alms-FilmMariaDirector BloodContinuityShows Doomed LoveFreira