Chieko MisakiChieko MisakiFeb 20, 1921 ✝️ Feb 13, 2012Biography:Sin descripciónMovies As the River FlowsYone NoguchiTora-san to the RescueTora-san's MatchmakerTora-san Makes ExcusesTora-san, My UncleTsuneTora-san Goes to ViennaTsuneTora-san's Salad-Day MemorialAuntyTora-san Plays DaddyAuntyTora-san Goes NorthAuntyTora-san's Bluebird FantasyAuntyTora-san's Island EncounterAuntyTora-san, the Go-BetweenAuntyTora-san's Forbidden LoveAuntyMarriage Counselor Tora-sanAuntyTora-san Goes Religious?AuntyTora-san's Song of LoveAuntyTora-san, the ExpertHearts and Flowers for Tora-sanTsune KurumaTora-san's PromiseTora-san's Love in OsakaFoster Daddy, Tora!Tora-san's Tropical FeverTsuneTora-san's Dream of SpringTora-san, the MatchmakerTsuneTokyo Air Raid Glass RabbitKoriyamaTalk of the Town Tora-sanTsuneStage-Struck Tora-sanTsuneTora-san Plays CupidTsuneThe Skies of HaruoThe Yellow HandkerchiefTora-san Meets His LordshipTsuneTora-san's Pure LoveTsuneTora-san's Sunrise and SunsetTsuneThe Sea of EdenSetsuko's motherThe VillageThe New Class of the Sewage CanalTora-san, the IntellectualTsuneTora-san Meets the Songstress AgainAuntyTora-san's LullabyTsuneTora-san's LovesickTsuneTora-san Loves an ArtistTora-san's Forget Me NotTsuneTora-san's Dream-Come-TrueTsuneTora-san's Dear Old HomeAuntyTora-san's Love CallAuntySnow Country ElegyTora-san, the Good SamaritanAuntyTora-san's Shattered RomanceAuntyWhere Spring Comes LateTora-san's RunawayTsune KurumaTora-san's Grand SchemeTsuneTora-san, His Tender LoveTsuneTora-san's Cherished MotherTsune KurumaIt's Tough Being a ManTsune KurumaHigh School GeishaBorn Under Crossed StarsLandlordA TrapLandladySong of FarewellGun Demon Without FormThe Flower and the Angry WavesYachiyoThe Gambling MonkI Have the Sun in My BackA Modern Samurai VillageAunt MiyoshiAll My ChildrenMrs. UmemuraChildren of IzuFresh LeavesBallad of a WorkmanSun and starsWakai tsume atoSeinen no isuLove in GinzaHana to musume to shiroi michiMiyako's mother MasuAsakusa SistersJungle BlockOmineBreak Down that WallImmoral LectureEndless DesireKiyoFlesh SmugglingOtoko wa Tsurai yo seriesTsune KurumaDirector None 😵Shows Love StoryMizuiro no toki内田加代