Ole DupontOle DupontJun 17, 1948 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Jeg vil bare læse HFImage not foundLægeThe CommuneElegant GentlemanWhat We BecomeLæge (uncredited)Klown ForeverKunden ved pølsevognenThe StrangerPolitimandThe IdealistThulearbejderPeople Get EatenPræstMy Sisters Kids & the Gold DiggersAkademiker til prisuddelingProtoThe GeneralA Second ChanceFuneral attendantThe Reunion 2: The FuneralOnkel PrebenThe DetectivesThe Stranger WithinPremieregæstThe ShooterAll for TwoThe HuntLawyer (uncredited)Chasing TalentAlmost PerfectA HijackingThis LifeModstandsmandA Funny ManProfessor Welling (uncredited)Move MeMinor MishapsLægeForbudt for børnTilskuer til dansAntonFlyverofficerThe Last DanceCrumb at a GallopSuperdameFinal ActPlejerThe Smuggler KingRainfoxBetjentKurt & ValdeMayThe Olsen Gang Long GonePolice Officer (uncredited)StrejferneBevæbnet vagtThe Olsen Gang Never SurrendersPoliceman (uncredited)Achilleshælen er mit våbenBetjentThe Olsen Gang Goes to WarPoliceman (uncredited)The Olsen Gang Sees RedPoliceman (uncredited)Kassen stemmerThe Olsen Gang on the TrackCar Driver (uncredited)Take It Like a Man, Ma'am!Anne og PaulSyg og MunterDirector None 😵Shows Frederik IXButlerEuropamestreneIntroerJul i kommunenForvaltningschef (2012)StrandvaskerenKriminalbetjentAladdin eller den forunderlige lampeSlave