Jacques HenleyImage not foundJacques HenleyJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies La montagne est verteLe gouverneur de la MartiniqueDeath ThreatManagerThe FerretMalmandierNight RoundEnglishThe Red AngelMission in TangierBritish ColonelDu GuesclinLa Bataille du feuGerman officerLe droit de l'enfantBowellCité de l'espéranceSmithColombaLa RenégateLe diamant de cent sousSimsonCaptain BlometFalse IdentityBank managerThe Woman in RedThe Auctioneer (uncredited)The Scarlet BazaarMaster LoveBehind These WallsSpecial Mission(uncredited)Retour au bonheurComedy of Happiness(uncredited)Nadia la femme traquéeHead of the Second BureauMonsieur HectorUn client (uncredited)Hangman's NooseThe Man Who Seeks the TruthMy Crimes After Mein KampfGeneral Kurt von SchleicherLa Mode rêvéeThreatsLe HollandaisCordial AgreementAmbassadorThe Five Cents of LavaredeUn gosse en orCrawfordSerge PanineLord HartonPlace de la ConcordePresident of the juryChampions of FranceChartrierReturn at DawnA friend of OstenUltimatumLe général serbeSatan's ParadiseSir NicholasGibraltarNeuf de trèfleDe man zonder hartParisian LifeCrimson DynastyMonsieur Sans-GêneLe BonheurBarioleColombaCandy AppleBaron de GranvilleThe Regiment's ChampionThe Yellow Dogle PommeretThe Threepenny OperaTiger BrownThe Knights of the MountainNos maîtres les domestiquesInspector LerandThe mystery of the pink villaLe juge d'instructionDirector None 😵Shows None 😵