Gonzalo de EsquirozImage not foundGonzalo de EsquirozJan 1, 1970 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies The Godfather and His GoddaughtersLa leyenda del alcalde de ZalameaThe GuerrillaSargento IIParís bien vale una mozaMatón rubioSonny and Jed(uncredited)Vente a ligar al Oeste(as Gonzalo Esquiroz)Black StoryThe StrangersSecond GangsterThe Man Who Killed Billy the KidGreg - Travis's HenchmanThe Ugly OnesBillThe Big Hit of SurcoufCaptain TowardDjango Does Not ForgiveThe Sea PirateCaptain TowardResidence for SpiesBlond ThugMurietaPistolero 2Black Angel of the MississippiPistoleroThe Implacable ThreeHombre de McCoyThe Shadow of ZorroHombre de DanEl grano de mostazaTorrejón CityJinete en créditos (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵