Koji YamamotoKoji YamamotoOct 31, 1976 Tokyo, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Cells at Work!Killer T CellWhat If Tokugawa Ieyasu Becomes Prime MinisterToshizo HijikataKingdom IV: Return of the Great GeneralChou Sou (Zhuang Zhao)Ougon No Toki - Kintaro Hattori StoryYoshikawa RuhikoKingdom III: The Flame of DestinyChou Sou (Zhuang Zhao)Fullmetal Alchemist: The Final AlchemyAlex Louis ArmstrongShin UltramanMefilasKappeiMasayoshiWhat Did You Eat Yesterday?Daisaku KohinataPromise of deathReiichiro HondoDaichi (Social Distancing Version)Image not foundKizoku Kourin: Prince of LegendMasao KuroiwaWhat Did You Eat Yesterday? New Year's Special 2020Kohinata DaisakuKamen Rider Reiwa: The First GenerationSoreo HidenStartup GirlsMizukiExtroSelfSeven Souls in the Skull Castle: Season FlowerMukaiya RanbeKishu Hanshu YoshimuneKohaku no yumeAs a Father of Murderer SonNakao ToshikiFuunjitachi ~ Rangaku Kakumei-henStop the Old FoxShinnosuke ShimadaPretty Cure All Stars Movie: Everybody Sing! Miraculous Magic!ToraūmaBotchanUranariBittare!!!Galaxy TurnpikeTout ZettoPartner in CrimeTakeharu MachidaFurikoThis Mystery is Excellent! ~ Challenge from Bestseller Writer明神和也Shadow Warrior Tokugawa IeyasuHidetada TokugawaChat Noir LucyThe Eternal FountainA Flawless ConciergeA Ghost of a ChanceTutomu HinoHayabusaManabu TajimaShikei KijunYusuke MitoDouble MeaningKyosuke MotosonobeNinja Kids!!!The Last RoninMesen加納拓真KING GAMERubbers樅ノ木は残ったHi to Shio東和彦Vampire IslandMiyabiSpace Monster DEMEKINGYusuke NagataThe Magic HourGrumbling ManPokémon: The Rise of DarkraiTonio (voice)Ten Nights of DreamsSosekiI Just Didn't Do ItTatsuo SaitoTokyo Friends: The MovieYûki新選組!! 土方歳三 最期の一日Hijikata ToshizōMiracle BananaKyosuke NakataTales of the UnusualCollege Student (segment "The Storyteller")Lost in TimeMitsuo TorigaiToki no kagayakiShunichi MoritaniBring Me the Head of Shichiemon!Red Crow and the Ghost ShipTakuyaDirector None 😵Shows Eye SeeTsuchiya KenjiroTokyo Swindlers青柳 隆史黃金之刻Hanasaki Mai Speaks OutSoma KenExtremely Inappropriate!Kurita KazuyaHayabusa Fire BrigadeHiroshi NakayamadaLet's Get DivorcedGo SodaDr. ChocolateTerashima KoichiOoku: The Inner ChambersEmonnosukeThe Black SwindlerYoichi ShiraishiThe 13 Lords of the ShogunMiura YoshimuraKenjusho: Mitsukuni and IA Warmed Up LoveRyo Kamiko大江戸グレートジャーニー~ザ・お伊勢参り~The Road to Red Restaurant ListKaburagi TsutomuAn Incurable Case of LoveRokuro KoishikawaAristocratic Birth -PRINCE OF LEGEND-Kuroiwa Masao抱かれたい12人の女たちWhat Did You Eat Yesterday?Kohinata DaisakuQueenRyosuke Azuma(吾妻 涼介)Naruto HichouNorizuki GennojoUeki Hitoshi to NobosemonThrill! The Black ChapterShirai ShinnosukeThrill!Shinnosuke ShiraiThrill! The Red ChapterShirai ShinnosukeOUR HOUSENapoleon's VillageMakoto TogawaHanasaki Mai Speaks OutKen Soma(相馬 健)Night School Teacher, SAKURAYudai Osawa(大澤 雄大)Pin to KonaKanjiro Sagata(佐賀田 完二郎)Torrent~Do You Remember Me?Yutaka Sabashimaラスト・ディナーLady JokerSamurai VendettaTange TenzenNaniwa shônen tanteidanNaniwa shônen tanteidanTaburakashi: Daikou Joyuugyou MakiくろねこルーシーThe Two Strategists of the Warring States EraHanbei Takenaka ShigeharuMotherFujiyoshi ShunsukeThe History of Our FamilyMitsunari AnoRescue: Pride of OrangeMiyazaki ShiroPandoraTachikawa HaruoThe Battle of Mr. and Mrs. SasakiShinji OgawaKagerou no TsujiSakazaki IwaneThe FamilyGinpei Manpyo女検事の報復 送られた殺人予告メールWhen I Fall in LoveShinsengumi!Hijikata ToshizoAshita no NadjaRaphael the troubadourBoys Over Flowers (anime)Iguana GirlSankaku HeartWada Tomo/ Wada Tomomi