John BoseImage not foundJohn BoseJul 6, 1901 ✝️ Mar 5, 1975Prescott, Arizona, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies A Big Hand for the Little LadyBarfly (uncredited)The Solid Gold GirlTownsmanMan from God's CountryTownsman (uncredited)The Tin StarTownsman (uncredited)The Last WagonApache AmbushWichitaTownsman (uncredited)The Diamond QueenQueen's Servant (uncredited)Rancho NotoriousDeputy (uncredited)Law of the BadlandsTexas Ranger (uncredited)Short GrassTownsman (uncredited)The NevadanTownsman (uncredited)Canadian PacificRailroad Worker (uncredited)El PasoTownsman (uncredited)The Last BanditTownsman (uncredited)Whispering SmithBack TrailTownsman (uncredited)Thunder MountainTownsman (uncredited)Yankee FakirTownsmanAngel and the BadmanBarfly (uncredited)Canyon PassageMiner (uncredited)South of MontereyTownsman (uncredited)Robin Hood of the PecosJuror (uncredited)Stage to ChinoTownsman (uncredited)The Charge of the Light BrigadeSoldier (uncredited)Battling with Buffalo BillIndian (uncredited)Director None 😵Shows None 😵