Tatsuo YamadaTatsuo YamadaJan 10, 1956 ✝️ Jul 26, 2009Toyama, JapanBiography:Sin descripciónMovies Door II: Tokyo DiaryIshidaThe UnbrokenYasuo KotokoYokohama Underworld KyoukaGun-Kyu: War PigeonImage not foundLupin's NewsJisaku KurataDeparturesTogashiCursed Songs: Chi-ManakoThe Successful Businessmen Handbook: Charisma You Can Learn from the YakuzaBe a Man!! Samurai SchoolYokohama Underworld KaenSong of GoodbyeDelivery center personBizanTrue Record Dainihon Kikusuikai SoryudenJapan SinksThrows Out My HometownWatersScrap HeavenMamoru KutsuiAshuraCamoflauged MurderTokyo NoirThe MotiveShinji KoitoTokyo 2 Fierce Fighting Gokudo ConflictEau de Vieリツ子の夫Tokyo Gokudo Conflict OutbreakYakuza Wolves: The Yanagawa GangDon Woman 3Jingi 31: Boryokudan Re-armedSabuRyojiro KojimaJingi 30: In-law CemeteryConflict of AomoriThe Legend of Ando Family: The Road to HellDon Woman 2ChloeManagerGokudo Retsuden Sakura (HANA) and Dragon (RYU)Don WomanWhiteoutNew Yanmama Trucker Kei VS Misaki Fateful ConfrontationNew Gokudo Legend: Three DragonsLet's Get HappyHeisei Zankeiden: Blood Blade Dos Barks!Blues HarpGun Breath A Perfect Night to DieRape a Female Lawyer!Ijiriya President AgeGO CRAZY 銃弾を駆け抜けろ!Kitanai yatsuAnother Lonely HitmanSatoMahjong Hishoden: Ryu the CallerOnizukaThe Wicked Reporter 2: The Rebirth of Horserace BettingShinjuku OutlawCan you collect it? CompleteMaji! 3Maji! 2Tokyo BloodCan you collect it? 2The Brutal Insanity of LoveMutoCan You Collect It?The DriveMistyIssei MasakiHey Oilers the Legend of SkylineNeo Chinpira 2: Zoom Goes the BulletMakoto KawamuraNeo Chinpira: Zoom Goes the BulletMakoto KawamuraHole in the Pants 3 - Screw off at Honmoku BayKorekara monogatari - Shonen tachi no buruusuHiroseYojo no jidaiRevolverShinji IshimoriThe Goodbye GirlsMasashi IkedaTO-YIsami (voice)Leave My Girl AloneYusuke AidaSaya: Perspective in LoveIsland MitsuruNo More God, No More LoveYou Gotta ChanceMoment of DemonGemini WomanOwadaSukanpin WalkYoshio KaizukaThe ShootoutSeiichi UchiyamaOn the RoadMotto hageshiku motto tsuyokuTatsuya MakiedaYokohama BJ BluesYoshioCrazy Thunder RoadJinDirector None 😵Shows Sayonara Sankaku Mata Kite Shikaku