Chick HannanImage not foundChick HannanMay 24, 1901 ✝️ Aug 14, 1980Iron River, Michigan, USABiography:Sin descripciónMovies A Big Hand for the Little LadyCasino Patron (uncredited)Apache UprisingTownsman (uncredited)Ride Out for RevengeTownsman (uncredited)The Quiet GunTownsman (uncredited)Last Stagecoach WestThe Lonely ManGun Duel In DurangoTownsman (uncredited)The Brass LegendTownsman (uncredited)Around the World in Eighty DaysExtra (uncredited)The Last Wagon7 Men from NowTownsmanMohawkSettler (uncredited)A Man AloneTownsman (uncredited)Johnny GuitarPosseman (uncredited)The Far CountryTownsman (uncredited)Pony ExpressTownsman (uncredited)ShaneRyker Man (uncredited)The Lusty MenHorizons WestRancher (uncredited)Toughest Man in ArizonaBuffalo Bill in Tomahawk TerritoryTownsman (uncredited)Flaming FeatherSlaughter TrailTrooper (uncredited)In Old AmarilloBartender (uncredited)Raton PassCowhand (uncredited)California PassageTownsman (uncredited)The FuriesTownsman (uncredited)Winchester '73Spectator (uncredited)Bright LeafTobacco Worker (uncredited)Comanche TerritoryGun RunnerHenchman (uncredited)Crossed TrailsTownsman (uncredited)Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the PlainsBarfly (uncredited)AlbuquerqueHenchman (uncredited)Black HillsSix-Gun SerenadeStage Driver (uncredited)CaliforniaMiner (uncredited)Stagecoach to DenverTownsmanBordertown TrailHenchmanDevil RidersHenchmanBlazing FrontierHomesteaderThe Law Rides AgainHenchmanWolves of the RangeTownsmanLeather BurnersHenchmanWild Horse StampedeBartenderHeart of the Golden WestTownsmanDeep in the Heart of TexasTownsmanOverland MailPosseman at CaveIn Old CaliforniaHenchmanDown Texas WayTownsmanRomance on the RangeHenchmanBilly the Kid TrappedTownsmanSouth of Santa FeCowhandBelow the BorderShotgun RiderMan from CheyenneHenchmanBilly The Kid's Round-UpTownsmanThey Died with Their Boots OnTrooper (uncredited)King of the Texas RangersShootout ThugBilly the Kid WantedHomesteaderThe Gunman From BodieTownsman Sleeping Outside Sheriff's OfficeUnder Fiesta StarsHenchmanBilly the Kid in Santa FeFirst Bushwhacker (uncredited)Riders of Death ValleyMinerWrangler's RoostTownsmanThe Lone Rider in Ghost TownBarflySheriff of TombstoneBarflyRidin' the Cherokee TrailHenchman BlackieRobin Hood of the PecosHenchman (uncredited)The Lone Rider Rides OnHenchmanThe Border LegionHenchmanTake Me Back to OklahomaHenchmanBeyond the SacramentoPoker PlayerYoung Bill HickokPosse RiderBilly the Kid in TexasHenchmanUnder Texas SkiesHenchmanMelody RanchWildhack CohortThe Cowboy from SundownHenchman PeteArizona FrontierHenchmanRoll Wagons RollPioneer RiderThe Ranger and the LadyHenchmanAdventures of Red RyderWater Hole PoisonerLightning Strikes WestPosse RiderPals of the Silver SageHenchmanVirginia CityBarfly (uncredited)Rhythm of the Rio GrandeHenchman PeteThe Cheyenne KidDeputyWestbound StageHenchman ClipDeath Rides the RangeMikeTrigger FingersPosse RiderThe Fighting RenegadeHenchmanOklahoma TerrorVigilanteRiders of the FrontierMurdered DeputyRiders of the SagePowers RiderThe Oregon TrailHenchmanRough Riders' Round-upBarflyRollin' WestwardHenchmanThe Lone Ranger Rides AgainCave HeavySundown on the PrairieBarflyThe Mexicali KidTownsmanStarlight Over TexasChandlerSongs and BulletsPosse RiderFrontier TownHenchmanDanger ValleyJoeStars Over ArizonaYucca Bill ThompsonBorder CafeRanch Hand (uncredited)Sing Cowboy SingHenchman JoeDirector None 😵Shows None 😵