Hideyuki KawaharaHideyuki KawaharaMar 15, 1969 Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Gokudō Tenka Fubu: Act 5Strong Man Chapter 3The Wild Ones: The Osaka Yakuza WarThe Wild Ones: The Unorthodox YakuzaOverlord: Bloodline of Brutality IVGokudō Tenka Fubu: Act 4Overlord: Bloodline of Brutality IIIUnification Of Japan 21The Wild Ones: Charismatic YakuzaMen of the Underworld: Chapter 5Unification Of Japan 17Men of the Underworld: Chapter 4Strong Man Chapter 2Daimon Graveyard 6Daimon Graveyard 5Men of the Underworld: Chapter 3Strong ManPlatinum Family CrestConquestThird Generation Acting Boss 6Third Generation Acting Boss 5Conquest 2Men of the Underworld: Chapter 2Third Generation Acting Boss 4Men of the UnderworldUnification Of Japan 8Takeshi WakamiyaThird Generation Acting Boss 3New Gang Emblem 2Third Generation Acting Boss 2New Gang EmblemThird Generation Acting Boss 1Unification Of Japan 6Takeshi WakamiyaUnification Of JapanTakeshi WakamiyaUnification of JapanTakeshi WakamiyaThe Clan's Heir is a Trans WomanWounded Heroes 2: Final ChapterWounded HeroesDirector None 😵Shows Overlord: Blood GenealogyOkuboNihon Yakuza Kososhi