Dale CuttsImage not foundDale CuttsJan 1, 1970 ✝️ Apr 19, 2013Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Berserker: Hell's WarriorKoglaThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeFingallOperation Delta Force 2: MaydayCaptain RadchenkovCyborg Cop IICaptain SalernoHowling IV: The Original NightmareDr. HeinemannThe Mantis ProjectImage not foundConstruction Manager40 DaysImage not foundCarlKiller ForcePlotterForever Young, Forever FreeDoctor BensonThe DoveReporterThe Spots on My LeopardThe VoortrekkersImage not foundThomas HalsteadThe Men from the MinistryStrangers at SunriseDirector None 😵Shows None 😵