Pat HoganPat HoganFeb 3, 1920 ✝️ Nov 21, 1966Biography:Sin descripciónMovies Indian PaintSutamakisSavage SamBroken NoseHemingway's Adventures of a Young ManBilly Tabeshaw (uncredited)Flaming StarIndian Warrior #2 (uncredited)North to AlaskaMiner (uncredited)Ten Who DaredIndian chiefTexas John Slaughter: Geronimo's RevengeGeronimoFrontier RangersRivas7th CavalryYoung HawkPillars of the SkyJacobSecret of Treasure MountainVahoeThe Last FrontierMungoKiss of FireChief PahvantChief Crazy HorseDull KnifeSmoke SignalDelcheSign of the PaganSangibanDavy Crockett, Indian FighterRedstickOverland PacificDark ThunderMan with the Steel WhipThe Indian Chief [Chs. 1, 2, 7]The NebraskanYellow KnifeBack to God's CountryUppyGun FuryJohashArrowheadJim EaglePony ExpressChief Yellow Hand (uncredited)Lure of the WildernessHarry LongdenDiplomatic CourierRussian Agent (uncredited)Fixed Bayonets!Jonesy (uncredited)Valley of FireDull KnifeDirector None 😵Shows None 😵